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  • Title

    Pseudo 2. 5 dimensional seismic velocity tomography in coal mining face

  • 作者


  • Author

    HU Zean,ZHANG Pingsong,XU Guangquan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Earth and Environment,Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan  232001,China
  • 摘要
    二维地震速度层析是探测采煤工作面内地质构造的方法之一。该方法把双巷道间空间简化为水平面,未能考虑煤层的倾角。提出拟2. 5维的地震速度层析的技术方案,即将二维反演的平面模型改为板状模型并程序实现。通过数值模拟技术及现场实验,得到不同倾角煤层的双巷透射地震数据,实现了二维和拟2. 5维地震速度层析成像。对比分析结果认为:二维速度层析在高倾角煤层探测中,存在较大误差;拟2. 5维地震速度层析方法基本消除了双巷高程的影响,速度异常区与地质构造更加吻合;拟2. 5维地震波速度层析成像加入了高程参数,使得射线追踪的旅行路径更加准确,速度计算结果更符合实际。
  • Abstract
    Active source two-dimensional transmission seismic wave velocity tomography is one of the most important methods for detecting geological structure in coal mining face. This method simplifies the space between two roadways into a horizontal plane and does not take into account the dip angle of coal seam. The Pseudo 2. 5 dimensional trans- mission seismic wave velocity tomography is proposed in this paper,the planar model of two-dimensional inversion is changed to a plate-shaped model,and the program is implemented. Through numerical simulation and field test,the travel time of transmission seismic waves in different inclined coal seam is obtained,and the 2 and pseudo 2. 5 dimen- sional seismic velocity tomography are realized. By comparing and analyzing the results of two tomography methods,it is found that the two-dimensional velocity tomography of transmission seismic waves has many errors in the detection of high dip coal seam. In the field test,the pseudo 2. 5 dimensional transmission velocity tomography method basically eliminates the influence of double roadways elevation,and the velocity anomaly area is more consistent with the geo- logical structure’s spatial shape and location. The ray tracing of the pseudo 2. 5 dimensional transmission seismic wave velocity tomography is more accurate,and the inversion results are closer to the true velocity of coal and rock.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    velocity tomography;coal mining face;pseudo 2. 5 dimension;transmission seismic wave

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    HU Zean,ZHANG Pingsong,XU Guangquan. Pseudo 2. 5 dimensional seismic velocity tomography in coal mining face [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(9):2579-2586.
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