Study on coal face spatial structure model and control related dynamic disasters
WEN ZhijieJING Suolin,SONG Zhenqi,JIANG Yujing,TANG Jianquan,ZHAO Renle, XIAO Qinghua,ZHANG Tongjun,WANG Hongtao,ZHAO Hongbao, SUN Guoquan,ZHANG Tongtong,KONG Chao
山东科技大学 矿山灾害预防控制省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地山东大学 岩土与结构工程研究中心1临沂矿业集团有限责任公司淄博矿业集团有限责任公司 亭南煤矿淄博矿业集团有限责任公司 邵寨煤矿中国矿业大学(北京) 资源与安全工程学院中钢集团马鞍山矿山研究院有限公司山东爱拓软件开发有限公司
1.State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co-founded by Shandong Province and Ministry of Science and Technology, ShandongUniversity of Science and Technology, Qingdao , China;2.Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Research Center, Shandong University,Jinan , China;3.Linyi Mining Group Co., Ltd.,Linyi , China;4. Tingnan Coal Mine,Zibo Mining Group Co.,Ltd,Changwu , China; 5 Shaozhai Coal Mine, Zibo Mining Group Co.,Ltd, Lingtai , China;6.Faculty of Resources and Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing , China;7.Sinosteel Ma’anshan Iinstitute of Mining Research Co., Ltd, Ma’anshan , China;8.Shandong aitopo software development Co., Ltd., Tai’an , China
Based on the attention paid by the society to the safety of coal industry, the research on control of mining accident becomes more and more important, especially recently, the disaster accident occurs frequently, the safety form is more and more severe. Aiming at controlling dynamic disaster accidents in coal mine, a spatial structure model was modeled. The evolution of stress distribution and structure development in the spatial structure model, as well as the movement of overlying strata and the characteristics of strata behaviors during mining were revealed. Based on the spatial structure model and the mining-induced mechanical characteristics, the causing conditions of dynamic disaster accidents in coal mine, such as roof control, roadway roof control, rock burst, roof water inrush and surface subsidence, and related measures were analyzed, and the quantitative control-decision model of related dynamic disaster accidents was established.In the model, the evolution of “broken arch” and “stress arch” and the correlation between mining-induced stress and overlying strata movement were introduced. The height of the water flowing fractured zone is consistent with that of the “fractured arch”, which is the basis of roof water inrush control, and the method of surface subsidence prediction based on the strata stress model of out-arch was established. The support project of “given load” mode for the direct roof and "given deformation" and "limited deformation" mode for the basic roof were proposed. The possible location of rock burst and the measures were put forward. The criterion of water inrush and the calculation method of the reasonable length of working face and the position of presplitting blasting were presented. A mining-induced subsidence model based on the correlation between working face length and overlying strata fracture length was established, and the range of subsidence was calculated by mechanics.The results showed that the correct establishment of control-decision model was the basis of controlling disaster accident in coal mine. The construction of model realized the development on the control of dynamic disaster accidents in coal mine from qualitative to quantitative and provided a guidance for effective forecast and control of dynamic disaster accidents in coal mine.
coal face spatial structure;dynamic disaster;decision model;stress field