Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of impact risk in underground mine
齐庆新 李海涛 李晓鹏
QI Qingxin,LI Haitao,LI Xiaopeng
煤炭科学研究总院 深部开采与冲击地压防治研究院煤炭资源高效开采与洁净利用国家重点实验室
Impact risk assessment is the key link to concretize the abstract energy essence of coal bump,which has a direct supporting role for the effective prevention and control of coal bump. This paper combs the basic concept and function orientation of impact risk assessment and points out that impact risk assessment naturally has multi-scale attributes,each scale assessment should be compatible with each other and support step by step. In view of the current impact risk assessment,the problems including insufficient correlation between indicators,subjective division of risk areas,limited compatibility for multi elements and big data,and the stereotype trend of assessment work are analyzed. Therefore,based on the generalized“three factors” theory,it is proposed that the qualitative evaluation of impact risk should take into account the principle of“complete elements” and“complete logic”,and the basic method of quantitative evaluation of impact risk based on the principle of“mine‘s own production guided by its own data”. This paper makes an exploration to solve the existing problems of impact risk assessment,and provides support for the clear direction of the follow-up research.
coal bump;impact risk; generalized “three factors”; multi-scale; qualitative evaluation; quantitative evaluation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会