Review on impacts of igneous intrusion in coal measures on coal texture
CHEN Jian,LI Yang,LIU Wen zhong,JIANG Peijun,ZENG Jian,CHEN Ping
The igneous intrusion in coal measures resulted in a contact metamorphism of coal to form a natural coke or a thermally altered coal.Coal metamorphism by igneous intrusion reduces the value of coal, increases the risk of spontaneous combustion and gas outburst, worsens the trapping condition of coalbed methane, and is also considered as one cause forthe global climate change and mass extinction in certain geological history. To reveal the evolution of coal texture duringigneous intrusions, the impacts of igneous intrusion in coal measures on coal texture were systematically elucidatedfrom a macroscopic coalbed texture to the microscopic coal macerals and from the original sedimentary textures to the metamorphic features in this paper.Due to the high temperature, increased static pressure, and hydrothermal fluids during igneous intrusion, the texture and structure of coalbed and coal macerals werethermally altered. Moreover, the neo-formed textures, including fractures, devolatilization cavities and vacuoles, isotropy, anisotropy, pyrolytic carbons, graphitic spherulites, and coked bitumen, were developed.The evolution of coal texture caused by an igneous intrusion provides the scientific information about the aureole of contact metamorphism and the occurrence conditions of coalbed methane, and is of practical significance forthe safe and comprehensiveutilization of thermallyaltered coals.
igneous intrusion; texture of coal; coal petrology; thermally altered coal
0 引言
1 岩浆侵入对煤结构构造的影响
1.1 岩浆侵入对煤结构的影响
1.2 岩浆侵入对煤构造的影响
2 岩浆侵入对煤显微组分的影响
2.1 镜质组的变化
2.2 类脂组的变化
2.3 惰质组的变化
2.4 各向同性和各向异性焦的形成
2.5 热解碳的发育
2.6 石墨球粒的形成
2.7 焦化沥青质的形成
3 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会