Analysis of the driving and passing performance of bolter miner under different geological conditions
辽宁工程技术大学 机械工程学院陕西陕煤陕北矿业有限公司天地科技股份有限公司开采设计事业部
掘锚机行驶通过性能是影响其地质适应性的重要因素,为研究掘锚机在不同地质条件下的通过性能,以Sandvik MB670型掘锚机为研究对象,国内某煤矿5-2煤层为研究背景,采用履带动力学理论与多体系统动力学仿真方法构建了巷道内不同地形条件下的掘锚机行驶动力学模型,仿真研究了掘锚机的运动特性和稳定性。结果表明:纵向地形是影响机身振动的主要因素,坡度越大掘锚机滑转现象越严重,当5-2煤层底板纵向坡度为17%时,掘锚机的平均滑转率达到0.214;底板倾斜是造成掘锚机偏航角和偏移量迅速增大的主要原因,掘锚机在凹形底板上的偏航角和偏移量很小,在凸型底板上的偏航角近似不变而偏移量随位移线性增加。通过DEM-MBD耦合仿真方法研究了掘锚机在全煤层、含水煤层、含30 mm矸石煤层和含60 mm矸石煤层4种底板的上的动力学特性。结果表明:煤层表面保留30 mm矸石层时掘锚机爬坡角度可达到19.5°左右,而当矸石层厚度为60 mm时爬坡角度降低为17°,当煤层含水时掘锚机最大爬坡角度略低于全煤层时的19°;虽然不同地质条件下掘锚机的平均接地比压相近,与理论值误差在5%左右,但在含60 mm矸石煤层上掘锚机接地比压分布最不均匀,不同位置履带接地比压相差达8 N/cm2,高于其他3种底板,增加矸石层厚度还会带来底板沉陷和堆积问题。而少量矸石层在提高行驶性能的同时也导致掘锚机偏移量和启动阶段加速度增加,因此针对不同工况要控制底板表面矸石含量。
The driving performance of the bolter miner is an important factor affecting its geological adaptability.In order to study the passage performance of the bolter miner under different geological conditions,the Sandvik MB670 bolter miner is used as the research object,and the 5-2 coal seam of a domestic coal mine is used as the research background.Using track dynamic theory and multi-body system dynamics simulation method,the driving dynamic model of the bolter miner under different terrain conditions in the roadway is built,and the motion characteristics and stability of the bolter miner are simulated.The results show that the longitudinal topography is the main factor affecting the vibration of the fuselage.The greater the slope,the more serious the bolter miner slip phenomenon.When the longitudinal slope of the 5-2 coal seam floor is 17%,the average slip rate of the bolter miner reaches 0.214.The bottom plate tilt is the main reason for the rapid increase in the yaw angle and offset of the bolter miner.The yaw angle and offset of the bolter miner on the concave bottom plate are very small,and the yaw angle on the convex floor is approximately constant while the offset increases linearly with the displacement.Through the DEM-MBD coupling simulation method,the dynamic characteristics of the machine on the four floors of full coal seam,water-bearing coal seam,30 mm gangue coal seam and 60 mm gangue coal seam are studied.The results show that when the 30 mm gangue layer remains on the surface of the coal seam,the climbing angle of the bolter miner can reach about 19.5°,while when the thickness of the gangue layer is 60 mm,the climbing angle is reduced to 17°.When the coal seam contains water,the maximum climbing angle of the bolter miner is slightly lower than 19° in the whole coal seam.Although the average grounding pressure of the bolter miner is similar under different geological conditions,and the error is about 5% from the theoretical value,the grounding specific pressure of the bolter miner is the most unevenly distributed on the coal seam containing 60 mm gangue.The pressure difference of the track at different positions reaches 8 N/cm2,which is higher than the other three types of bottom plates.The thickness increase of the gangue layer will also causes floor sinking and accumulation problems.While a small amount of gangue layer improves driving performance,it also leads to an increase in the offset of the bolter miner and the acceleration during the start-up phase.Therefore,the gangue content on the floor surface should be controlled for different working conditions.
geological conditions;bolter miner digging machine;driving performance;dynamic simulation;DEM-MBD coupling
1 掘锚机组成及模型建立
1.1 MB670掘锚机
1.2 掘锚机模型建立
2 地形对掘锚机通过性能的影响
2.1 巷道底板模型
2.2 行驶特性分析
3 地质对掘锚机通过性能的影响
3.1 颗粒底板模型
3.2 耦合仿真介绍
3.3 地质对爬坡性能的影响
3.4 接地比压与底板变形
3.5 地质对行驶特性的影响
4 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会