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220 t矿用电动轮自卸车燃油消耗规律与应用研究
  • Title

    Research and application of fuel consumption law of 220 t electric wheel dump truck

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Qun,ZHANG Ruixin,SHI Ning,Lv Shuaikang

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院华北科技学院 安全工程学院中冶京诚(湘潭)矿山装备有限公司市场部

  • Organization
    School of Energy and Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology;School of Safety Engineering,North China Institute of Science and Technology;Marketing Department,MCC (Xiangtan) Mining Equipment Co.,LTD.,
  • 摘要

    露天矿矿用自卸车燃油消耗费用占总成本最高可达1/3,因此燃油消耗分析对矿山降低成本、节能减排以及运输系统的智能化极其重要。但是矿用自卸车燃油消耗估算模型及监测手段均存在精度不高、实用性不强的缺点,进而导致自卸车燃油消耗规律不清、考核指标不准等问题。以某露天矿220 t矿用电动轮自卸车为研究对象,对自卸车驱动力与行驶阻力进行平衡分析,轮边驱动力可简化为滚动阻力、坡度阻力、加速阻力之和;对自卸车发动机功率进行平衡分析,发动机的功率主要分配为滚动阻力功率、坡度阻力功率、加速度功率、非行驶功率和传动系统损失功率。其次,应用车轮—牵引系统—动力转换系统的后向建模,提出一种准确的电动轮自卸车燃油消耗率的估算模型,模拟不同工矿条件下自卸车发动机的燃油消耗率,并从理论上归纳自卸车发动机燃油消耗率的多维特征参数为载重、速度、滚动阻力系数、坡度阻力系数和加速度。在此基础上,结合驱动/电制动性能曲线,量化载重、速度、滚动阻力系数、坡度阻力系数对矿用自卸车燃油消耗率、单耗的影响规律;最后,以该露天矿为实例,引入高精度、高可靠的容积式油耗传感器,验证该型矿用电动轮自卸车燃油消耗率估算模型的精度。结果表明:3条运输干线的矿用电动轮自卸车单耗预测误差分别为4.18%,0.96%,5.88%,验证不同工况条件下的模型精度,且满足现场单耗估算的精度要求,研究成果可应用于不同运输道路燃油消耗考核指标制定及成本预算方案编制,优化露天矿间断开采工艺或半连续开采工艺的燃油消耗量。

  • Abstract

    The fuel consumption of mining dump truck in open pit mine accounts for up to 1/3 of the total cost.Therefore,fuel consumption analysis is extremely important for mine to reduce cost,save energy,reduce emission and intelligentize transportation system.However,the conventional fuel consumption estimating model and fuel-burn monitoring device of mining dump trucks are not accurate enough for precise analysis,which in turn leads to the unpredictable fuel consumption and the inability to formulate fuel consumption KPI.First,a 220-ton mining electric wheel dump truck in an open pit mine was taken as the research object,and the balance analysis of the driving force and driving resistance of the dump truck was carried out.The wheel driving force can be simplified as the sum of rolling resistance,slope resistance and acceleration resistance.The balance analysis of engine power of dump truck showed that the engine power was mainly divided into rolling resistance power,slope resistance power,acceleration power,non-driving power and transmission system loss power,a fuel burn model was developed to simulate the major power output components of the engine in a working condition.Second,based on vehicle dynamics and other methods of the first-principal,an accurate formula for estimating fuel consumption of electric drive dump trucks was proposed,which can quantify the influence of load,speed,rolling resistance,and slope resistance on fuel consumption.Theoretically,the multi-dimensional characteristic parameters of fuel consumption rate of dump truck engine were load,speed,rolling resistance coefficient,slope resistance coefficient and acceleration.On this basis,in combination with the driving/electric braking performance curve,the influence pattern of load,speed,rolling resistance coefficient and slope resistance coefficient on fuel consumption rate and unit consumption of mining dump truck were quantified.Finally,an open-pit mine was taken as an example,in which a highly-precise and reliable volumetric fuel consumption sensor was introduced to verify the accuracy of the fuel consumption estimation model of mine electric drive dump trucks.The results showed that the unit consumption prediction errors of mining electric dump trucks on three main transportation lines were 4.18%,0.96% and 5.88%,respectively,which verified the model accuracy under different working conditions,and thus met the accuracy requirements of field unit consumption estimation.The research results can be applied to formulate fuel consumption assessment indicators and cost budget schemes for different haulage conditions,and to optimize the fuel consumption of truck-operations.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    open pit mine;electric wheel dump truck;fuel consumption rate model;fuel consumption pattern;volumetric fuel consumption sensor

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 电动轮自卸车燃油消耗率模型

       1.1 电动轮自卸车基本性能参数

       1.2 电动轮自卸车驱动力与行驶阻力平衡

       1.3 电动轮自卸车发动机功率估算模型

       1.4 电动轮自卸车燃油消耗率估算模型

    2 矿用电动轮自卸车油耗规律

       2.1 坡度与自卸车最大运行速度规律

       2.2 载重对自卸车燃油消耗影响规律

       2.3 总阻力系数对自卸车燃油消耗影响规律

       2.4 速度对自卸车燃油消耗影响规律

       2.5 矿用自卸车燃油消耗率规律

    3 案例验证及应用

       3.1 矿用电动轮自卸车油耗传感器

       3.2 实验道路基本信息

       3.3 自卸车燃油消耗率估算模型验证

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    王群,张瑞新,石宁,等.220 t矿用电动轮自卸车燃油消耗规律与应用研究[J].煤炭学报,2021,46(11):3736-3744.
    WANG Qun,ZAHNG Ruixin,SHI Ning,et al.Research and application of fuel consumption law of electric wheel dump truck for open pit mine[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(11):3736-3744.
  • 图表
    • 多维特征参数燃油消耗规律

    图(12) / 表(0)


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