• 论文
  • Title

    Mechanism of shaft deflection caused by asymmetric mining in thin bedrock and deep loose strata

  • 作者

    程桦张亮亮姚直书 彭世龙郭龙辉

  • Author

    CHENG Hua,ZHANG Liangliang,YAO Zhishu,PENG Shilong,GUO Longhui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Anhui University of Science and Technology;School of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Anhui University;Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Building Structure and Underground Engineering,Anhui Jianzhu University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Aiming at the mechanism of shaft deflection in asymmetric mining of thick loose layer and thin bedrock,the shaft deflection of Shandong Guotun coal mine was investigated.Based on the mechanism of overburden movement and deformation in mining of thick loose layer and thin bedrock,coal mining subsidence theory,soil consolidation theory,random medium theory,and the superposition principle,the calculation formula of overburden movement and deformation under the joint action of coal seam mining and bottom water drainage in this kind of stratum is given.The results are verified by field measurement.Based on the analysis of the movement and deformation characteristics of overburden in the mining of this kind of stratum,the mechanism and influencing factors of shaft deflection under the combined action of asymmetric mining of thick loose layer and thin bedrock and bottom water drainage are revealed. The research shows that under the combined action of coal seam mining and bottom aquifer hydrophobic consolidation,the coefficient of stratum subsidence and horizontal movement,the range of subsidence and horizontal movement are greatly increased.By inversing the deflection parameters of Guotun mine shaft,it is obtained that the tangent of the main influence angle of the loose layer is 0.6,which is far less than 2.41-3.54 specified in the code for coal pillar setting and coal pressure mining under buildings,water bodies,railways and main roadways.The mechanism leading to the shaft deflection is that the superposition of bottom aquifer hydrophobic consolidation settlement caused by coal seam mining causes the main,auxiliary and air shafts of the mine to be within the influence range of overburden movement and deformation. Under the condition of asymmetric coal seam mining (northwest direction),the overlying deep loose layer moves horizontally in this direction,resulting in shaft deflection.The shaft deflection is positively correlated with the bottom aquifer thickness M,the thickness ratio k0 of loose layer to bedrock layer,and the drawdown Sw of bottom aquifer,and the influence sensitivity is Sw,k0,M in turn.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    thick loose layer;thin bedrock;asymmetric mining;bottom aquifer;drainage consolidation;shaft deflection

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 工程背景

       1.1 水文与工程地质

       1.2 井筒偏斜特征

    2 厚松散层薄基岩煤层开采覆岩移动变形机理

    3 煤层开采与底含疏水共同作用覆岩移动计算求解

       3.1 基本假设

       3.2 地层总沉降量

       3.3 煤层开采覆岩移动计算

       3.4 底含疏水引起的松散层移动变形求解

    4 井筒偏斜机理分析

       4.1 煤层开采与底含疏水共同作用井筒偏斜计算

       4.2 井筒偏斜机理分析

    5 井筒偏斜主要影响因素分析

       5.1 底含厚度M

       5.2 松散层与基岩层厚度比k0

       5.3 底含水位降深Sw

       5.4 影响敏感性分析

    6 结论

  • 引用格式
    程桦,张亮亮,姚直书,等. 厚松散层薄基岩非对称开采井筒偏斜机理[J]. 煤炭学报,2022,47(1):102-114.
    CHENG Hua,ZHANG Liangliang,YAO Zhishu,et al. Mechanism of shaft deflection caused by asymmetric mining in thin bedrock and deep loose strata[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(1):102-114.
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