• 全部
  • Title

    Key technology of human environment and ecological reconstruction in high submersible level coal mining subsidence area:Acase study from Lüjin Lake, Huaibei

  • 作者

    刘辉朱晓峻程桦苏丽娟戴良军郑刘根方申柱 姜春露张琼孙庆业李玉李栋衍

  • Author

    LIU Hui,ZHU Xiaojun,CHENG Hua,SU Lijuan,DAI Liangjun,ZHENG Liugen,FANG Shenzhu, JIANG Chunlu,ZHANG Qiong,SUN Qingye, LI Yu, LI Dongyan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Anhui University; Anhui Province Engineering Laboratory for Mine Ecological Remediation;School of Mathematical Sciences, Anhui University;Anhui Construction Engineering Group Holding Co., Ltd.,;Anhui Transportation and Navigation Engineering Co., Ltd.,;Shandong Hi-Speed Group
  • 摘要

    以两淮高潜水位矿区为代表的我国东部大量采煤沉陷积水区的形成,严重影响了煤炭资源型城市的可持续发展,特别是城中采煤沉陷区水土资源撂荒、生态系统紊乱、人居环境恶化已成为制约城市建设的三大瓶颈,严重阻碍了经济社会发展和生态文明建设。为解决煤炭资源型城市生态修复与可持续发展问题,通过分析高潜水位采煤沉陷区地表沉陷积水演化规律和生态损害特征,基于开采沉陷原理和“采复一体化”理论,提出了地表沉陷积水动态预测方法,构建了沉陷区地形改造分区重构数学模型;研发了沉陷区边采边复施工、水循环与水资源调控、建筑分区设计、水土流失控制与基质改良、水陆复合生态系统重构等关键技术;探索了城中采煤沉陷区人居环境与生态一体化治理新模式,并以淮北绿金湖沉陷区为工程背景,开展了工程实践。研究表明:① 融合Knothe时间函数和水量平衡模型参数,可实现开采任意时刻地表沉陷积水深度、积水面积、积水体积和最大库容的精准预测,最大相对误差为9.7%;② 依据土方量平衡条件,建立了采前地形重构数学模型,将沉陷治理区划分为以地表沉陷盆地中央为中心、两侧对称的中央挖深、边界垫浅4个特征区域,土地闲置时间由14个月缩短至8个月,为高潜水位采煤沉陷区“挖深垫浅”超前治理提供了理论依据;③ 研发了环保疏浚退水及人工湿地尾水处理系统、底泥一体化机械深度干化系统、高填筑围埝多级装配式退水系统等成套施工关键技术,退水效率提高了17%,节约排泥场面积5 260 m2;④ 提出了“平整地建筑-斜坡地水土保持-浅水区水生植被-深水区生态渔业”沉陷区分区治理技术,实现了沉陷区水土资源的100%高效利用;⑤ 与引江济淮、生态走廊、绿金城市等重大民生工程相结合,探索了集市场运作、科学修复、可持续运营于一体的沉陷区综合治理新模式,为城中采煤沉陷区生态环境治理和可持续发展提供了理论依据和技术参考。

  • Abstract

    The formation of coal mining subsidence areas with high ground water levels in eastern China represented by Huainan and Huaibei has seriously affected the sustainable development of coal resource-based cities. In particular, the abandonment of water and soil resources, the disorder of ecosystem and the deterioration of living environment in the coal mining subsidence area have seriously hindered the economic and social development and the construction of ecological civilization. In order to solve problems of ecological restoration and sustainable development of coal resource-based cities, the evolution law and ecological damage characteristics of surface subsidence ponding are analyzed firstly. Based on the principle of mining subsidence and the theory of integration of mining and recovery, a dynamic prediction method of surface subsidence ponding is proposed, and a mathematical model of terrain reconstruction in subsidence area is constructed. The key technologies of mining and reconstruction, water circulation and water resources regulation, building zoning design, soil and water loss control and matrix improvement, and water land composite ecosystem reconstruction have been developed. At last, a new model of integrated management of human settlements and ecology in the coal mining subsidence area in the city is explored, and taking the subsidence area of Lüjin Lake in Huaibei as the engineering background, the engineering practice is carried out. The result shows that the accurate prediction of surface subsidence ponding depth, ponding area, ponding volume and maximum storage capacity at any time can be realized by integrating Knothe time function and water balance principle, and the maximum relative error is 9.7%. According to the earthwork balance condition, the pre-mining terrain reconstruction model is established, and the subsidence control area is divided into four excavation and filling areas centered on the center of the surface subsidence basin and symmetrical on both sides. The idle time of land is shortened from 14 months to 8 months, which provides a theoretical basis for the advanced treatment of coal mining subsidence in a high ground water level area. A complete set of key construction technologies such as environmental protection dredging water return and constructed wetland tail water treatment system, integrated mechanical deep drying system of sediment, multi-stage assembled water return system of high filling cofferdam is developed, which increase the water return efficiency by 17% and saved 5 260 square meters of sludge dump area. The zoning control technology of “flat building slope soil and water conservation shallow water aquatic vegetation deep water ecological fishery” is proposed, which realizes 100% efficient utilization of the water and soil resources in subsidence area. Combined with major livelihood projects such as diverting water from the Yangtze River to the Huaihe River, ecological corridor and green gold city, a new model of comprehensive treatment of coal mining subsidence areas integrating market operation, scientific restoration and sustainable operation is explored, which provides a theoretical basis and technical reference for ecological environment treatment and sustainable development of coal mining subsidence areas in the city.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mining area with a high ground water level; subsidence ponding; topographic reconstruction; living environment; ecological reconstruction

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 高潜水位采煤沉陷区生态环境损害现状

       1.1 高潜水位矿区地表沉陷及环境损害特点

       1.2 高潜水位城中采煤沉陷区生态修复面临的关键问题

    2 高潜水位采煤沉陷区人居环境与生态重构解决方案

       2.1 研究区概况

       2.2 解决方案

    3 人居环境与生态一体化规划关键技术

       3.1 沉陷积水区三维空间预测

       3.2 沉陷区水循环与水资源调控

       3.3 沉陷区建筑分区设计

       3.4 人居环境与生态一体化规划

    4 城中采煤沉陷区“边采边复”关键技术

       4.1 沉陷区地形分区改造与重构

       4.2 边采边复工程施工工艺

    5 采煤沉陷区生态重构关键技术

       5.1 水土流失控制与基质改良

       5.2 水陆复合生态系统重构

    6 城中采煤沉陷区综合治理模式探索

    7 结论及展望

       7.1 结论

       7.2 展望

  • 引用格式
    刘辉,朱晓峻,程桦,等. 高潜水位采煤沉陷区人居环境与生态重构关键技术——以安徽淮北绿金湖为例[J]. 煤炭学报,2021,46(12):4021-4032.
    LIU Hui,ZHU Xiaojun,CHENG Hua,et al. Key technology of human environment and ecological reconstruction in high submersible level coal mining subsidence area:A case study from Lüjin Lake, Huaibei[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(12):4021-4032.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 预测积水面积与实测积水面积对比

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