Research progress of mass spectrometry in molecular structure analysis of coal
FAN Xing, XU Hao
In order to realize the cleanliness of coal chemical production process, high-end target products and transformation of the industry under the goal of "double carbon", the endowment characteristics of coal molecules are used as the starting point to enhance the value of its fine conversion products. Mass spectrometry (MS) can clearly analyze the structural characteristics of coal molecules at the molecular level. This paper reviewed the research progress in coal molecules and mild conversion of coals using collision induced dissociation, a MS method. The progress of research related to the structure of coal molecules was reviewed. Determining the distribution of heteroatoms on aromatic nuclei and lipid chains allows the evaluation of the differences in reactivity of heteroatoms at different positions. The study of mass spectrometry methods in coal molecular structure profiling provides methodological guidance for understanding coal molecular structure units, monitoring heteroatom reaction pathways, and optimizing catalysts and reaction systems.
coal molecular structure;collision-induced dissociation;fine conversion; mass spectrometry analysis
0 引言
1 煤分子芳香核与脂链
2 煤有机质杂原子的脱除评价
3 煤分子量区间特征
4 结语与展望
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会