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  • Title

    Key technology and equipment of intelligent mine construction of whole mine mechanical rock breaking in Kekegai Coal Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    FAN Jingdao,FENG Hua, SONG Zhaoyang, REN Huaiwei,MA Ying,WANG Qingcang, TAN Jie, LIU Quanhui, LI Chuan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Mining Co., Ltd.,; Beijing Coal Mine Construction Company Ltd.,; Coal Mining Research Institute, China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp.,; Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Yulin Kekegai Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要

    我国西部煤矿资源开发是保障煤炭资源供给的战略性任务,少人、安全、绿色、机械化、智能化矿井建设是现阶段煤炭智能化发展的必然趋势和重要方向。首先梳理了我国煤矿斜井和竖井全断面机械破岩掘进技术和装备现状,分析了适用煤矿井筒掘进的不同类型装备机械破岩掘进工作面临的共性难题;针对可可盖煤矿典型的西部富水弱胶结地层条件,确定了可可盖煤矿斜井和竖井联合开拓方案,并从地层条件、装备性能、围岩控制和经济合理性等方面,研判了采用斜井TBM掘进和竖井钻机钻井的可行性,提出了智能化建井建智能矿井的理念,构建了可可盖煤矿全矿井机械破岩智能化建井模式;针对可可盖煤矿地层岩石强度低、扰动敏感的特性,突破了斜井敞开式TBM掘进高效破岩与围岩控制、连续排渣、装备推进与支撑协同控制等技术,实现了TBM姿态大幅度调整,一次掘进断面面积40 m2,形成了“探-破-支-运”一体化连续掘进技术体系,单月最高掘进进尺523.8 m;首次在西部富水弱胶结地层中采用竖井钻机钻井,提出了全岩地层竖井“一钻完井”工艺,形成了适用我国西部煤系地层钻井法凿井的大型竖井钻机及其配套装备体系,包括大直径全断面钻头结构、稳定钻杆、大型门式起重机以及竖井钻机高效集中控制系统,攻克了竖井钻机配套大型门式起重机安装、起下钻智能控制、竖井钻机高效钻进等关键技术与智能监控难题,实现了西部富水弱胶结岩石地层8.5 m大直径井筒高效钻进,单日最高钻进进尺10.8 m。

  • Abstract

    The development of coal resources in western China is a strategic task to ensure the supply of coal resources. The construction of mine with fewer people, safety, green, mechanization and intellectualization is an inevitable trend and important direction for the development of coal intellectualization at present stage. In this study, the status quo of technology and equipment for rock breaking used in the drift and vertical shaft of coal mines in China is summarized, and the common problems faced by different types of mechanical rock breaking for mine shafts are analyzed. For the Kekegai Coal Mine, its geological conditions is typical in western China with rich in water and weak in cementation. Accordingly, the development plan of Kekegai Coal Mine is determined to be a drift and shaft joint development plan. Considering the formation conditions, equipment performance,surrounding rock control and economic rationality, etc, the feasibility of using TBM for drift development and  drilling rig for shaft development is studied and the concept of intelligent mine construction  is proposed. The intelligent mine construction mode of mechanical rock breaking in the Kekegai Coal Mine is constructed.  In the Kekegai mine, based on low coal formation rock strength and high disturbance sensitivity, the TBM technologies of high efficient rock breaking and surrounding rock control, continuous waste discharge, coordination of equipment forward movement and drift support have been developed. The technologies are applied and have realized a significant adjustment of TBM pose, excavation section of 40 m2, and a preliminary “detection rock breaking support material transportation”integration continuous excavation technological system. The highest driving footage in a month reaches 523.8 m. It is the first time to use shaft drilling rig at weak cementation watery stratum in the western China. Therefore, the authors have put forward a method of“completion shaft with one drilling operation”for the shaft in whole rock strata, and formed a large shaft drilling rig and its accessory equipment system suitable for the drilling method in the coal measures strata in western China. The system consists of large diameter drill bit with whole section structure, stable drill pipe, large gantry crane and high efficient centralized control system for shaft drilling rig. The key technologies and intelligent monitoring problems such as the installation of large gantry crane for vertical drilling rig, and the intelligent control of tripping and efficient drilling of vertical drilling rig have been solved. A high efficiency drilling of 8.5 m large diameter shaft in western water rich and weakly cemented rock stratum has been realized, with the maximum oneday drilling depth of 10.8 m.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    intelligent coal mine;mine construction;mechanical rock breaking;TBM;blind shaft drilling

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 井筒机械化凿井概况与共性难题

       1.1 煤矿井巷TBM掘进技术与装备

       1.2 煤矿竖井全断面凿井技术与装备

       1.3 煤矿井巷机械破岩掘进共性难题

    2 可可盖煤矿全机械破岩智能化建井模式

       2.1 可可盖煤矿工程地质条件

       2.2 可可盖煤矿矿井开拓方案

       2.3 可可盖煤矿机械破岩凿井可行性分析

       2.4 全矿井机械破岩智能化建井模式

    3 斜井敞开式TBM掘进关键技术与工艺

       3.1 斜井敞开式TBM装备与始发

       3.2 斜井敞开式TBM掘进技术难点与对策

       3.3 斜井TBM掘进智能监控与安全保障技术

    4 西部全岩地层竖井钻机钻井技术与工艺

       4.1 竖井钻机及配套系统研发与选型

       4.2 西部全岩地层竖井钻机钻井工艺

       4.3 竖井钻机钻井井壁结构设计与优化

       4.4 竖井钻机钻进与井壁沉装关键技术

       4.5 竖井钻机钻井智能监控与安全保障体系

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    范京道,封华,宋朝阳,等. 可可盖煤矿全矿井机械破岩智能化建井关键技术与装备[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(1):499-514.
    FAN Jingdao,FENG Hua,SONG Zhaoyang,et al. Key technology and equipment of intelligent mine construction of whole mine mechanical rock breaking in Kekegai Coal Mine[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(1):499-514.
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