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  • Title

    CCUS technology development of coal-fired power plant underthe background of Dual Carbon Strategy:Challenges and countermeasures

  • 作者


  • Author

    MA Shuangchen,FAN Shuaijun,WU Kai,YANG Pengwei,CHEN Liutong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,North China Electric Power University
  • 摘要

    现阶段煤电仍是我国主要能源,装机总量大,短时间难以被完全替代,未来燃煤电厂高效清洁燃烧的技术标准是低碳排放。当前,双碳战略已上升到国家生态文明的高度,煤电亟需适应未来需求的碳捕集封存与利用(Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage,CCUS)技术。但国内已有超低排放电厂投运的CCUS设备普遍存在捕集成本高、产物利用量有限等问题,开发成本低、捕集产物可有效利用的CCUS技术是电力环保的共同需求。为此,提出煤电CCUS未来技术发展方向应该是烟气污染物一体化耦合控制,如应用等离子体氧化技术,首先氧化烟气中还原性污染物SO2、NO等,而后以氨水为吸收剂协同脱硫脱硝脱碳,整体污染物脱除流程简单,副产品具有广阔的化工转化空间。继而提出稳定的氨源供给是实现上述一体化脱除的物质保障,构建燃煤电厂自给自足的制氨过程为煤电未来开发更丰富的产品线(氨能、肥料、化工品等)提供了可能。

  • Abstract

    At present, coal power is still the main energy in China, with a large total installation capacity,which is difficult to be completely replaced in a short time. In the future, the technical standard for efficient and clean combustion of coal-fired power plants is low carbon emissions. At present, Dual Carbon Strategy has become a part of the construction of national ecological civilization, and coal power generation is in urgent need of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology suitable for future demand. However, in China, CCUS equipment has been put into operation in ultra-low emission power plants, and there are common problems such as high capture cost and limited utilization of products. CCUS technology with low development cost and effective utilization of captured products is a common demand for electric power environmental protection. To this end, the paper put forward coal power CCUS technology future development direction should be the integration of flue gas pollutants coupling control, such as the application of plasma oxidation technology, the first oxidation reducing pollutants SO2 in flue gas, NO, etc., and then for ammonia absorber synergy desulfurization denitrification decarburization, overall pollutant removal process is simple, by-products has broad space for chemical conversion. Then, it is proposed that stable ammonia source supply can guarantee the implementation of the above integrated removal, and it is possible for coal power plants to provide more abundant product lines (ammonia energy, fertilizer, chemical products, etc.) in the future by building a self-sufficient ammonia production process.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Dual-carbon Strategy;carbon capture,utilization and storage(CCUS);flue gas pollutants coupling control;ammonia;coal power

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 燃煤电厂CCUS减排空间

    2 现有CCUS的困境

       2.1 碳捕集技术

       2.2 CCUS中“C”的问题

       2.3 CCUS中“U”的问题

    3 CCUS技术发展

       3.1 电厂烟气污染物一体化耦合控制

       3.2 超低排放结合CCUS

       3.3 超低排放结合CCUS技术经济性

    4 氨产业链

    5 结语

  • 引用格式
    MA Shuangchen,FAN Shuaijun,WU Kai,et al.CCUS technology development of coal-fired power plant under the background of Dual Carbon Strategy:Challenges and countermeasures[J].Clean Coal Technology,2022,28(6):1-13.
  • 相关文章
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  • 图表
    • 煤电CCUS项目成本分布(CCUS设备使用年限估计为10 a)

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