Advanced drainage technology based on multi objective constraint of mine safety and water resources protection
ZENG Yifan,MENG Shihao,LÜ Yang,WU Qiang,HUA Zhaolai,YU Chao,PANG Kai,CHENG Yi
中国矿业大学(北京) 国家煤矿水害防治工程技术研究中心陕西陕煤曹家滩矿业有限公司北矿大( 南京) 新能源环保技术研究院有限公司
超前疏放水是目前西部侏罗纪煤田顶板水害防治的主要手段之一,但西部水资源匮乏、生 态脆弱,为此在减少煤矿井下涌水保证安全生产的同时,如何最大程度地降低超前疏放对地下水生 态环境的影响,为急需解决的问题。 通过建立矿区非结构剖分地下水数值模拟模型,从而确定疏降 过程中地下水系统变化特征的响应函数矩阵,据此构建矿井安全、生态水资源保护和高效疏放水等 多目标约束下的地下水管理模型,最后通过线性目标规划计算,确定疏降钻孔位置分布、疏降水量 大小与时间分布的矿井水超前疏降优化方案。 在以陕西省曹家滩煤矿为例的计算结果表明,相比 传统等间距疏放方案,优化后的超前疏放水方案考虑了第四系含水层接受降雨补给的时间关系,在 减少疏放水量的同时,对当地赖以生存的第四系潜水的影响显著降低。 在疏放钻孔数量减少 50%、疏放总水量减少 42.60%的情况下,矿井平均涌水减少量基本持平,而大幅减少了第四系含水 层越流增加量 50.09%。 除了系统研究超前疏降对第四系松散孔隙含水层与基岩裂隙含水层交互 的影响,还评估了研究区控水疏降的临界值。
Advanced drainage is one of the main means of roof water disaster control in Jurassic coalfield in western China. However,lack of water resources leads to ecological fragility. Therefore,how to minimize the impact of advanced drainage on the groundwater ecological environment is an urgent problem to be solved while reducing water inflow in coal mines to ensure safe production. In this paper,the response function matrix of groundwater system variation characteristics is determined by establishing the groundwater mathematical simulation model of the non structural grid in the mining area. Based on this,the groundwater management model under the multi objective constraints of mine safety,water resources protection and efficient drainage is constructed. Through the linear objective programming calculation,the optimization scheme of advanced drainage of mine water is determined,including the location distribution of drainage boreholes,the drainage volume and time management in the drainage process. Taking the Caojiatan Coal Mine in Shaanxi Province as an example,the calculation results show that compared with the traditional equidistant drainage scheme,the time relationship of the Quaternary aquifer receiving rainfall recharge is considered in the optimized advanced scheme. The influence on the Quaternary phreatic water is also significantly reduced while reducing the drainage volume. In the case of a 50% reduction in the number of drainage boreholes and a 42.60% reduction in the total drainage volume,the average reduction in water inflow is basically the same,while the overflow increase from the Quaternary aquifer is significantly reduced by 50.09%. This paper not only systematically studies the influence of advanced drainage drawdown on the interaction between Quaternary loose pore aquifer and bedrock fissure aquifer,but also evaluates the critical value of water control drawdown in the study area.
advanced drainage;mine safety;water resource protection;roof water disaster control;groundwater management model
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会