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  • Title

    Research status and future development direction of CO2 absorption technology for organic amine

  • 作者


  • Author

    LU Shijian,GONG Yuping,LIU Ling,KANG Guojun,CHEN Xi,LIU Miaomiao,ZHANG Juanjuan,WANG Feng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Institute of Carbon Neutralization,China University of Mining and Technology;School of Chemical Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology;Sinopec Nanjing Research Institute of Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要

    CO2排放量迅速增加,严重威胁人类生存环境及气候变化,如何减少碳排放量是关注热点。化学吸收法是捕集CO2的主要方法之一,其脱除CO2的实质是利用碱性吸收剂溶液与烟气中CO2逆向接触并发生化学反应,形成不稳定盐类,而盐类在一定条件下会逆向分解释放出CO2而再生,从而实现CO2从烟气中分离脱除。以醇胺溶液为吸收剂的化学吸收法技术开发相对成熟,且分离效果好、操作简单,在电力、钢铁、水泥、化工等行业得到广泛应用。醇胺溶液是化学吸收法的核心,目前应用于工业减排的醇胺溶液包括一级醇胺溶液、二级醇胺溶液、三级醇胺溶液以及空间位阻胺等。综述了4种典型的醇胺溶液和低浓度烟气吸收法胺液的国内外研究现状,介绍了国外三菱重工的KM-CDR工艺、壳牌康索夫脱硫脱碳工艺、陶氏化学Ucarsol溶剂的配套工艺、西门子氨基酸盐溶液的配套工艺、Powerspan的ECO2工艺,同时对阿尔斯通的富氧燃烧技术进行了总结;国内在碳捕集方面研究时间较短,在“双碳”计划推动下,碳减排成为近年来国内研究的重点和热点,论述了浙江大学、华北电力大学、北京化工大学以及中国矿业大学等高校和研究院的研究成果,调研结果表明国外应用规模达到百万吨级,国内技术水平接近,可达10万t级,应用规模尚有较大差距;目前,化学吸收法已有工业应用,国内已建成多个碳捕集示范工程,系统介绍了华电句容电厂1万t/a CO2捕集示范工程、国华锦界电厂15万t/a CO2捕集示范工程以及胜利油田4万t/a 燃煤CO2捕集与驱油示范工程等典型案例。当前国内外燃煤电厂CO2捕集示范工程的规模总体较小,仅有3项百万吨级示范工程,其中中石化建成了我国首套百万吨级的碳捕集项目,这对我国碳捕集行业的发展具有里程碑意义。在有机胺捕集CO2领域,应重点在吸收剂再生能耗与降解性降低、捕集系统热能综合利用与回收、高通量CO2捕集吸收反应器研制以及吸收剂逃逸控制等方面开展研究,开发低能耗、低损耗、低成本CO2捕集技术,推进多行业工程示范,为燃煤烟气CO2捕集技术规模化推广奠定基础。

  • Abstract

    Carbon dioxide emissions are increasing rapidly, which is a serious threat to human survival and climate change, and how to reduce carbon emissions is a hot concern. The chemical absorption method is one of the main methods for capturing CO2. The essence of CO2 removal is the use of an alkaline absorber solution to contact and chemically react with the CO2 in the flue gas reversely, forming unstable salts, which will decompose in the reverse direction to release CO2 under certain conditions, thus achieving the separation and removal of CO2 from the flue gas. The development of chemical absorption method technology using alcohol amine solution as absorbent has been relatively mature, and the separation effect is good and simple to operate, which is widely used in electric power, iron and steel, cement and chemical industries. Alcohol amine solutions are the core of the chemical absorption method, and the alcohol amine solutions currently used in industrial abatement include primary alcohol amine solutions, secondary alcohol amine solutions, tertiary alcohol amine solutions and steric hindered amines. Four typical alcohol amine solutions were listed in this paper, and the current status of domestic and international research on amine solutions for low concentration flue gas absorption was reviewed. The KM-CDR process of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the desulphurization and decarbonization process of Shell Consolv, the supporting process of Dow Chemical Ucarsol solvent, the supporting process of Siemens amino acid salt solution and the ECO2 process of Powerspan were introduced, while the oxygen-enriched combustion technology of Alstom was summarized. The research on carbon capture in China is relatively short, under the promote of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals",carbon emission reduction has become the focus and hotspot of domestic research in recent years, the research results of a number of universities and research institutes, such as Zhejiang University, North China University of Electric Power, Beijing University of Chemical Technology and China University of Mining and Technology, were listed in the paper. At present, the chemical absorption method has been applied in industry, and a number of carbon capture demonstration projects have been built in China. The 10 000 tons/year CO2 capture demonstration project of Huadian Jurong Power Plant, the 150 000 tons/year CO2 capture demonstration project of Guohua Jinjie Power Plant and the 40 000 tons/year coal-fired CO2 capture and oil drive demonstration project of Shengli Oilfield were systematically introduced. The scale of CO2 capture demonstration projects for coal-fired power plants at home and abroad is generally small, with only three million tons demonstration projects, among which Sinopec has built China′s first million tons carbon capture project, which is a milestone for the development of China′s carbon capture industry. In the field of CO2 capture by organic amines, research should be focused on five aspects: energy consumption and degradability reduction of absorber regeneration, comprehensive use and recovery of thermal energy in the capture system, development of high flux CO2 capture and absorption reactors, and control of absorber escape, to develop low energy consumption, low loss and low cost CO2 capture technologies, promote multi-industry engineering demonstrations, and lay the foundation for the large-scale promotion of CO2 capture technologies for coal-fired flue gas.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    CO2 absorption;organic amine;chemical absorption method;carbon capture;energy consumption;decarbonization process

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 胺液技术发展概况

       1.1 单乙醇胺(MEA)

       1.2 N-甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA)

       1.3 哌嗪(PZ)

       1.4 空间位阻胺(AMP)

    2 国外主要研究机构研究现状

       2.1 三菱重工(MHI)

       2.2 壳牌康索夫

       2.3 陶氏化学

       2.4 西门子

       2.5 Powerspan

       2.6 阿尔斯通

    3 国内主要研究机构研究现状

       3.1 浙江大学

       3.2 华北电力大学

       3.3 北京化工大学

       3.4 中国矿业大学

       3.5 中石化南京化工研究院

       3.6 大连理工大学

       3.7 华能清洁能源研究院

    4 CO2吸收技术示范工程

       4.1 华电句容电厂1万t/aCO2捕集

       4.2 国华锦界电厂15万t/aCO2捕集

       4.3 胜利油田4万t/a燃煤CO2捕集与驱油示范工程

    5 结语与展望

  • 引用格式
    LU Shijian,GONG Yuping,LIU Ling,et al.Research status and future development direction of CO2 absorption technology for organic amine[J].Clean Coal Technology,2022,28(9):44-54.
  • 相关文章
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  • 图表
    • 胺溶液吸收流程

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