• 全部
  • Title

    Constitutive relation of energy dissipation damage of heterogeneous coal samples under different loading rates

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Qingwen,GAO Senlin,HU Lulu,YU Mengmeng,LIU Yiwei,ZENG Xinggang,ZHU Qingyun, CAO Hang,HUANG Xiao

  • 单位

    辽宁工业大学 土木建筑工程学院辽宁工程技术大学 土木工程学院

  • Organization
    School of Civil and Architectural Engineering,Liaoning University of Technology; School of Civil Engineering,Liaoning Techni⁃ cal University
  • 摘要

    为了探究加载速率对非均质煤样力学响应的影响基于 SAM-2000 岩石力学试验系统开 展了不同加载速率下非均质煤样单轴压缩试验。 结果表明:随加载速率增加煤样飞溅煤屑尺度越 大飞溅距离越远完整性越差能量释放程度越猛烈属于劈-剪复合型破坏形态;峰值强度弹性 模量均随加载速率增加而先近似垂直骤增后再平稳增加均满足有理函数 Rational5 关系;峰值应 变先快速降低后逐渐趋于平稳满足衰减指数函数关系;峰值点总能量随加载速率增加先近似垂 直骤增后再平稳减小弹性能先近似垂直骤增后再平稳增加两者变化规律均满足有理函数 Rational 5 关系;耗散能随加载速率增加产生 个拐点先以近似垂直骤降至第 拐点后再近似垂 直陡升至第 拐点再快速减小;比吸能随加载速率增加先近似垂直陡增至拐点后接着快速下降, 再平缓减小;峰值时弹性能占比均高于破坏时弹性能占比且两者之间至少相差 40.12%峰值时总 能量以弹性能为主耗散能为辅破坏时反之亦然;推导了不同加载速率下煤样能量耗散损伤本构 关系且拟合度高

  • Abstract

    In order to explore the influence of loading rate on the mechanical response of heterogeneous coal samples,the uniaxial compression tests of heterogeneous coal samples under different loading rates were carried out based on SAM⁃2000 rock mechanics test system. The results show that with the increase of loading rate,the larger the size of the coal dust splashes,the farther the splashes distance,the worse the integrity and the more violent the energy release degree of the coal sample,which belongs to the split⁃shear composite failure mode. The peak strength and elas⁃ tic modulus both increase approximately vertically and then increase steadily with the increase of the loading rate,and satisfy the Rational5 relation of the rational function. The peak strain first decreased rapidly and then gradually became stable,satisfying the attenuation exponential function. With the increase of the loading rate,the total energy at the peak point firstly increase approximately vertically and then decreases steadily,and the elastic energy firstly increase approximately vertically and then increases steadily,both of which meet the rational function Rational5 relation.With the in⁃ crease of loading rate,the dissipation energy produces two inflection points. It drops to the first inflection point approx⁃ imately vertically and then rises to the second inflection point approximately vertically and then decreases rapidly.With the increase of loading rate,the specific energy absorption first increases vertically to the inflection point,then decreases rapidly,and then gently decreases. The proportion of elastic energy at peak is higher than that at failure,and the difference between the two is at least 40.12%. At the peak,the total energy is dominated by elastic en⁃ ergy,supplemented by dissipative energy,and vice versa at failure;Constitutive relations of energy dissipation damage of coal samples under different loading rates are derived with high fitting degree.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    loading rates;heterogeneous coal samples;uniaxial compression tests;energy dissipation damage;constitu⁃ tive relation

  • 引用格式
    李庆文,高森林,胡露露,等. 不同加载速率下非均质煤样能量耗散损伤本构关系[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(S1):90-102.
  • Citation
    LI Qingwen,GAO Senlin,HU Lulu,et al. Constitutive relation of energy dissipation damage of heterogeneous coal samples under different loading rates[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(S1):90-102.
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