• 全部
  • Title

    Planning and design of thermal power and wind solar storage coupling

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHENG Yu,SHAO Zhenzhou,ZHANG Jinbo,GAO Peixin,LIU Shuchang,WEI Zhongping

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Huaneng Clean Energy Research Institute;Huaneng Renewables Co.,Ltd.,;Huaneng Gansu Energy Development Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要

    结合我国煤资源丰富、火电输出稳定的优势以及清洁能源快速发展的趋势,建设多能互补的集成化能源基地是国家进行能源结构调整和能源体系建设的重要方式。陇东能源基地拥有丰富的煤炭、石油、风、光资源,具备建设风光火储一体化综合能源基地的条件。以当地能源资源和地理条件为基础,规划设计了千万千瓦级风光火储一体化能源系统,其中风电、光伏和清洁火电规划容量分别为450万、150万和400万kW。为增强电网友好性,综合能源基地配置了30 MW/15 MWh储能系统进行AGC调频和150 MW/300 MWh储能系统以平抑光伏发电的波动性。为进一步分析综合能源基地规划的合理性,对发电系统进行了生产模拟。结果表明,火电调峰方案可以满足较高可靠性、较低主网依赖性以及高比例新能源占比的目标,配置储能调峰方案可以进一步提高直流可用率,增加了新能源综合利用率。因此,本基地设计实现了多能互补、统一调度、电源侧灵活调节以及源网荷统筹协调发展。

  • Abstract

    Combined with the advantages of the abundant coal storage, the stabilization of thermal power and the rapid development of clean energy, the construction of large-scale integrated energy bases is an important topic to adjust the energy structure and build the new energy system. Longdong district is suitable to construct the integration of wind, solar, thermal power and energy storage base because of its abundant storage of coal, oil, wind and solar resource. Based on the local energy resource and the geographical condition, a 10 GW integrated power system was designed,in which the planned capacities of wind power, photovoltaic and clean thermal power were 4.5 million, 1.5 million and 4 million kW respectively. To friendly connect to power grid, the integrated power system is configured with 30 MW/15 MWh energy storage for AGC frequency modulation and 150 MW/300 MWh energy storage for suppress the fluctuation of solar energy. Furthermore, in order to further analyze the rationality of the comprehensive energy base planning, the production simulation of the power generation system was carried out.The simulation indicates that peak load regulation by thermal power can reach the goal of high reliability, low dependence of power grid and high proportion of clean energy. The simulation also indicates that peak load regulation by thermal power and energy storage together can improve reliability of high DC and comprehensive utilization of power grid. Conclusively, the research of this paper achieves multi-energy complementary, uniformity dispatching, flexibly adjusting of power, coordinated development of power and grid. 

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    integration of wind,solar,thermal power and energy storage;comprehensive energy base;wind power;solar power;energy storage;multi-energy complementary

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 陇东风光火储综合能源基地概况

       1.1 资源分布

       1.2 规划概况

    2 风光火储一体化综合能源系统规划配置方案

       2.1 风力发电

       2.2 光伏发电

       2.3 清洁煤电

       2.4 储能配置

       2.5 多能互补系统运行

    3 多能互补系统运行效果分析

       3.1 新能源互补出力特性分析

       3.2 生产模拟结果

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    CHENG Yu,SHAO Zhenzhou,ZHANG Jinbo,et al.Planning and design of thermal power and wind solar storage coupling[J].Clean Coal Technology,2022,28(11):82-89.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 火电+储能调峰方式下的典型日图

    图(7) / 表(0)


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