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  • Title

    Microscopic characteristics and differences of fine primary particles emitted from coal⁃fired power plant and residential coal combustion

  • 作者

    张银晓刘 磊严 沁孔少飞李卫军

  • Author

    ZHANG Yinxiao,LIU Lei,YAN Qin,KONG Shaofei,LI Weijun

  • 单位

    浙江大学 地球科学学院中国地质大学 环境学院

  • Organization
    1.School of Earth Sciences,Zhejiang University;2.School of Environmental Studies,China University of Geosciences
  • 摘要

    燃煤电厂和民用燃煤是我国空气污染的主要贡献源而获取其排放颗粒物的形貌组分混 合状态等微观信息对于大气颗粒物的溯源工作具有重要意义。 利用透射电子显微镜和 射线能 谱仪获取了山东和江苏某燃煤电厂和山东农村民用燃煤所排放细颗粒物的形貌组分混合状态和 粒径分布等单颗粒特征并进行了对比。 研究结果显示在燃煤电厂所排放的细颗粒物中矿物颗粒 和富硫颗粒等非碳质颗粒物占主导占所分析颗粒物总数的 93.6%。 这些矿物颗粒主要是由硅氧 和金属元素组成而富硫颗粒主要由硫元素组成。 在民用燃煤所排放的细颗粒物中有机颗粒和黑 碳颗粒等碳质颗粒物占主导。 研究发现民用燃煤在明烧和闷烧过程中所排放细颗粒物的形貌和 组分也具有较大差异。 民用燃煤在明烧过程会排放大量的黑碳颗粒其占所分析颗粒物总数的96. 9%;这些黑碳颗粒主要由碳元素组成并呈长链状或团簇状。 而民用燃煤在闷烧过程主要排放有 机颗粒其也由碳元素组成但呈圆形或近圆形的半透明状。 粒径分析结果显示燃煤电厂所排放 细颗粒物的粒径峰值在 700 nm 左右高于民用燃煤的 500 nm。 燃烧工况的差异是导致燃煤电厂 和民用燃煤所排放细颗粒物存在巨大差异的主要原因

  • Abstract
    Coal⁃fired power plants and residential coal combustion are the main contributors to the air pollution in Chi⁃ na,and the understanding of the microscopic characteristics,such as morphology,composition,and mixing state,of pri⁃ mary individual particles is crucial to analyze the sources of aerosol particles. This study employed the instruments of transmission electron microscopy and energy⁃dispersive X-ray spectrometer to obtain the microscopic characteristics of individual particles emitted from coal⁃fired power plants and residential coal combustion. The results reveal that non⁃carbonaceous particles, such as mineral particles and S - rich particles, are dominated in the emissions from coal⁃fired power plants,accounting for 93.6% of the total analyzed particles. The mineral particles are main⁃ ly composed of Si, O, and metal elements, and the S⁃rich particles are mainly composed of S element.Residential coal combustion mainly emits carbonaceous particles,including black carbon and organic particles,which is obviously different from those from coal⁃fired power plants. It was found that the individual particles from flaming and smoldering phases of residential coal combustion are different. The flaming phase emits abundant black carbon, which accounts for 96. 9% of the total analyzed particles. Black carbon is mainly composed of C element and exhibits chain⁃like or cluster⁃like shape. However,the smoldering phase mainly emits organic particle,which is main⁃ ly composed of C element and exhibits round or nearly round shape. The size distribution analysis reveals that the fine particles emitted from coal⁃fired power plants exhibit a peak at around 700 nm,which is higher than 500 nm for residen⁃ tial coal combustion. This study reveals that different combustion conditions are the key reasons why there are the huge differences between individual particles emitted from coal⁃fired power plants and residential coal combustion.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal⁃fired power plant; residential coal combustion; individual particles; source emissions; carbonaceous particle

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHANG Yinxiao,LIU Lei,YAN Qin,et al.Microscopic characteristics and differences of fine primary particles emitted from coal⁃fired power plant and residential coal combustion[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022, 47(12):4388-4394.
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