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  • Title

    Conception of key technologiesfor low-negative carbon emission reduction in the process of coalbed methane development from the CBM well,coal mine and goaf

  • 作者

    苏现波赵伟仲 王乾于世耀汪露飞宋金星王小明夏大平 伏海蛟郭红玉孙长彦郭红光鲍园何环黄津

  • Author

    SU Xianbo,ZHAO Weizhong,WANG Qian,YU Shiyao,WANG Lufei,SONG Jinxing, WANG Xiaoming,XIA Daping,FU Haijiao,GUO Hongyu,SUN Changyan, GUO Hongguang,BAO Yuan,HE Huan,HUANG Jin

  • 单位

    河南理工大学资源环境学院河南理工大学非常规天然气研究院中国地质大学 资源学院中原经济区煤层(页岩)气协同创新中心河南理工大学能源科学与工程学院太原理工大学 安全与应急管理工程学院西安科技大学地质与环境学院中国矿业大学化工学院

  • Organization
    School of Resources and Environment,Henan Polytechnic University;Unconventional Gas research Institute,Henan Polytechnic University;School of Energy Resources,China University of Geosciences;Collaborative Innovation Center of Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas for Central Plains Economic Region;School of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytech- nic University;College of Safety and Emergency Management and Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology;College of Geology and Environment,Xi’an University of Science and Technology;School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要

    双碳” 目标的实现与煤层气大规模商业化开发迫切需要新技术。 在对煤层气开发与 CCUS 技术系统分析的基础上,以煤层气生物工程为依托,探讨和展望了地面煤层气开发煤矿瓦 斯抽采以及采空区煤层气开发过程中的低负碳减排关键技术。 地面煤层气开发阶段,将煤层气开 发转化为煤系气开发将常规水力压裂转化为大规模缝网改造是实现煤层气商业化开发的有效途 径;将液相 CO和微生物发酵液作为储层改造的工作液,在实现煤系三气储层一体化缝网改造的同 时又实现了微生物与 CO联作下的增气增压储层改性CO驱替甲烷等多重增产效应,为煤层气 增产提供了一条新途径,达到低碳减排目的;此外,通过 CO的生物甲烷化和同步地质封存实现了 负碳减排。 可见,对于煤层气开发而言,CO2可以促使其增产;对于CO2封存而言,煤储层是其最佳 归宿。 由此,地面煤层气开发实现了一低两负的碳减排。 在井下瓦斯抽采阶段,根据硬煤的造 缝增透增产软煤的增容增透增产机制以及相关理论,提出了第 代水力强化技术———水力压裂和 第 代水力强化技术———钻冲压一体化增透增产技术三堵两注固液两相封孔技术老孔修复增透 和下向孔智能排水排粉气驱增产技术。 这一技术体系实现了瓦斯由抽得出抽得快抽得省、 抽得净抽得纯” 转变,大幅提升瓦斯抽采的质和量,获取低碳能源,达到减少甲烷排空与碳减排的 目的。 同时,研发了能够准确测定瓦斯含量的钻取一体化密闭取心装置,建立了基于低速非线性渗 流的煤层渗透性评价技术。 在采空区煤层气开发阶段,粉煤灰将成为强化煤层生物气产出充填采 空区减沉和实现CO2矿化封存的首选材料。 在具备圈闭条件的采空区首先注入菌液少量粉煤灰 和 CO实现煤和 CO的微生物甲烷化,以此获取低碳能源;抽采结束后进一步注入 CO和粉煤灰粉煤灰和采空区积水中的钙镁等离子与溶解的 CO结合生成碳酸盐对粉煤灰胶结,实现了 CO矿 化封存和采空区固化减沉,具有显著的低负碳减排和生态环境治理意义。 煤层气井地联合抽采全 过程低负碳减排技术体系始终立足煤层气这一低碳能源的增产和 CCUS,为我国碳中和目标的实 现提供新的发展思路

  • Abstract

    The realization of the “dual carbon”goal and the large-scale commercial development of coalbed methane ur- gently require some new technologies. Coalbed methane development with carbon dioxide capture utilization and storage (CCUS)technology is systematically analyzed. Based on coalbed gas bioengineering, some key technologies for low-negative carbon emission reduction in the process of CBM development, coal mine gasextraction, and goaf CBM de- velopment are discussed and prospected.In the stage of CBM development, converting coalbed methane development into coal measure methane development and converting conventional hydraulic fracturing into large-scale fracture network reconstruction are effective ways to realize the commercial development of coalbed methane.Liquid-phase CO2 and micro- bial culture solutionare used as working fluids for reservoir modification, the integrated fracture network reconstruction of coal-measure gas reservoirs and the multiple stimulation effects of CBM based on CO2 are realized, including the res- ervoir modification under the combined action of microorganisms and CO2 , carbon dioxide to displace methane. This pro- vides a new way for CBM production enhancement and low carbon emission reduction. Meanwhile, the CO2 biomethana- tion and geological storage achieve a negative carbon emission reduction.Therefore, for the development of coalbed meth- ane, CO2 can increase its production.For the storage of CO2, the coal reservoir is the best destination. In the under- ground gas extraction stage in coal mines, according to the mechanism of permeability improvement from the frac- ture generation of hard coal, and the capacity and permeability enhancement of soft coal through unloading coal and pressure relief, and related theories,the first-generation technology of hydraulic strengthening, i.e., hydraulic fracture, and the second-generation technologies of hydraulic strengthening including the technology to increase permeability and yield of integrated drilling and stamping, the solid-liquid two-phase hole sealing technology for three blocks and two in- jections, the increase production technology of old hole repair and increase permeability, and the technology of downhole automatic drainage, slag discharge and gas flooding are proposed. This technological system can realize the transformation of gas extraction from "regular extraction to the quick, economical, pure and clean extraction". The quality and quantity of gas extraction have been improved greatly, achieving to access low-carbon energy, and to re- duce methane emissions. In addition, the closed coring device for integrated drilling and sampling is developed, which can accurately determine the gas content. Coal seam permeability evaluation technology based on low-speed non- linear seepage is established.In the development stage of CBMin goaf,fly ash is considered to be the material of choice for enhancing coalbed biogas production, filling gobs for subsidence reduction and realizing CO2 mineralization and stor- age.In the goaf with gas trap conditions, microbial culture solution, fly ash and CO2 are injected into the goaf to achieve microbial methanation of coal and CO2 , so as to obtain low-carbon energy. After the gas drainage is completed, a large amount of CO2 and fly ash are injected into the goaf.The calcium and magnesium plasmas in fly ash and goaf wa- ter combine with dissolved CO2 to form carbonate cementation from fly ash, realizing CO2 mineralization and sequestra- tion and goaf solidification and sedimentation reduction. This is of great significance in terms of low carbon and nega- tive carbon emission reduction and ecological environment.The low-negative carbon emission reduction technology system for the whole process of coalbed methane combined well-ground extraction is based on coalbed methane production stimulation and the CCUS and provides some new development ideas for the realization of carbon neutrality goals.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coalbed gas bioengineering;coalbed methane development;coal mine gas extraction;coalbed methane de- velopment in goaf;low-negative carbon emission reduction;carbon dioxide capture utilization and storage

  • 文章目录

    1 煤层气井地联合抽采全过程低负碳减排技术体系科学内涵

    2 地面煤层气开发阶段的低负碳减排关键技术

       2.1 基本思路与减排理念

       2.2 关键技术

    3 煤矿井下瓦斯抽采阶段的低碳减排关键技术

       3.1 技术途径

       3.2 关键技术

    4 采空区煤层气抽采阶段的低负碳减排关键技术与采空区减沉

       4.1 减排减沉理念与思路

       4.2 关键理论与技术

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    SU Xianbo,ZHAO Weizhong,WANG Qian,et al.Conception of key technologiesfor low-negative carbon emission reduction in the process of coalbed methane development from the CBM well,coal mine and goaf[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(1):335-356.
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    • 煤层气井地联合抽采全过程低负碳减排技术体系

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