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  • Title

    Numerical investigation on the effect of cyclic loading on macro⁃meso shear characteristics of rock joints

  • 作者

    蒋宇静 张孙豪栾恒杰陈连军 张广超 王长盛

  • Author

    JIANG Yujing,ZHANG Sunhao,LUAN Hengjie,CHEN Lianjun, ZHANG Guangchao,WANG Changsheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co⁃founded by Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Shandong University of Science and Technology;College of Energy and Mining Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology;Graduate School of Engineering,Nagasaki University;4.Inner Mongolia Shanghaimiao Mining Co.,Ltd
  • 摘要

    岩石节理在循环载荷作用下会不断的滑移和闭合导致其承载性能不断劣化进而影响岩 体工程的稳定性。 为探明循环载荷作用下节理的剪切特性首先开展了节理剪切试验以标定模拟 中的物理力学参数和确定循环载荷的特征参数然后采用基于 FISH 语言二次开发的循环剪切加 载实现方法进行了不同加载幅值( 和 2.3 MPa)、不同加载频率( 和 2.0 Hz等循环剪切载荷作用下的粗糙节理剪切数值模拟研究了岩石节理的宏细观剪切特性以 及循环载荷特征参数对节理剪切特性的影响。 结果表明:随着剪切载荷的循环加卸节理表面损伤 会导致节理剪切应力-剪切位移曲线出现滞回效应。 循环剪切初期滞回环较小且分布密集后期 滞回环较大且分布疏松。 剪切过程中节理的裂纹分布和接触力分布与节理表面的粗糙体相关剪 切初期裂纹和高接触力大都集中在二阶凸起上随着二阶凸起破坏逐渐作用到一阶凸起上一阶凸 起破坏后节理发生失稳破坏。 节理剪切位移的增长趋势与累计裂纹数量的增长趋势总体一致。 剪 切初期仅有少量裂纹在应力峰值附近产生而后期裂纹产生时对应的应力范围和裂纹数量都显著 增加。 加载幅值越大每个循环内产生的节理损伤越多节理剪切位移也越大达到相同目标位移 所需的循环次数与加载幅值呈反比。 加载频率越大每个循环内节理产生的损伤越少节理剪切位 移也越小达到目标剪切位移所经历的循环次数与加载频率呈正比。 加载频率越低加速阶段越 短节理发生失稳破坏越突然

  • Abstract

    Rock joints will continuously slip and close under cyclic loading,leading to continuous deterioration of their bearing properties,which in turn affects the stability of the rock engineerings.In order to investigate the shear characteristics of rock joints under cyclic loading,firstly,joint shear tests were carried out to calibrate the physical and me⁃ chanical parameters in the simulation and to determine the characteristic parameters of cyclic loading.Then,a cyclic shear loading implementation method based on FISH language was used to simulate the shear of rough joints under cy⁃ clic shear loading with different loading amplitudes ( 1.5,1.7,1.9,2.1 and 2.3 MPa ) and loading frequencies ( 0.1, 0.5,1.0,1.5 and 2.0 Hz ).The macro⁃meso shear characteristics of rock joints and the effect of cyclic loading charac⁃ teristic parameters on the shear properties of joints were investigated.The results show that with the cyclic shear loading and unloading,damage to the surface of the joints can lead to the hysteresis effect in the shear stress⁃shear displace⁃ ment curve of the joints.The hysteresis loops are small and densely distributed at the early stage of shear and large and loosely distributed at the late stage.The crack distribution and contact force distribution of the joints during shearing are related to the surface roughness of the joints.In the early stage of shear,the cracks and high contact force are most⁃ ly concentrated on the second⁃order bulge,and with the destruction of the second⁃order bulge,the shear force gradually acts on the first⁃order bulge, and after the destruction of the first⁃order bulge, the joints are destabilized. The growth trend of the nodal shear displacement is generally consistent with the growth trend of the accumulated crack number.Only a small number of cracks were generated near the peak stress at the early stage of shear,while the stress range and the number of cracks corresponding to the later stage of crack generation increased significantly.The larger the loading amplitude,the more joint damage is generated within each cycle,and the greater the joint shear dis⁃ placement.The number of cycles required to achieve the same target displacement is inversely proportional to the load⁃ ing amplitude.The greater the loading frequency,the less damage produced by the joint in each cycle,and the smal⁃ ler the joint shear displacement.The number of cycles experienced to reach the target shear displacement is proportion⁃ al to the loading frequency. The lower the loading frequency, the shorter the acceleration phase, and the more abrupt the destabilization of the joint.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rock joints;cyclic loading;shear properties;macro⁃meso

  • 文章目录

    1 循环剪切的数值实现及模拟方案

       1.1 节理剪切室内试验

       1.2 数值模拟试验方案

    2 循环载荷下节理宏细观剪切特性

       2.1 剪切位移-剪切应力特征

       2.2 剪切位移和法向位移特征

       2.3 裂纹及力链分布演化特征

       2.4 裂纹发展与剪切应力的关系

    3 循环特征参数的影响

       3.1 加载幅值的影响

       3.2 加载频率的影响

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    JIANG Yujing,ZHANG Sunhao,LUAN Hengjie,et al.Numerical investigation on the effect of cyclic loading on macro⁃meso shear characteristics of rock joints[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(1):199-211.
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    • 类岩石材料制备节理试件

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