Current situation of gob-side entry retaining and suggestions for its improvement in China
HUA Xinzhu, LI Chen, LIU Xiao, GUO Yongjian, QI Yabao, CHEN Denghong
Based on the article of “Status Quo and Suggestions for the Technology Development of Support along Gob-Side Entry Retaining in China” the work summarized the new technological development of gob-side entry retaining in China since the 21st century including the construction technology and method of gob-side fill. It develops from high-water and paste filling to soft mold walls and advanced pillar support. Support strength and isolated tightness have been greatly improved, with certain flexibility to adapt to roof settling. Basic support in the roadway along gob-side entry retaining has high preload, high strength, high stiffness, and large elongation after more than 20 years of development, which can control the large deformation of the surrounding rocks of the roadway and realize timely and active support. Single pillars are generally supplemented as reinforced support in the roadway to further maintain the stability and integrity of surrounding rocks. Statistical analysis shows that the key to the success of gob-side entry retaining is the combination of roadside support and support in the roadway. The new technology of gob-side entry retaining with gob-side fill and roof-cutting pressure relief was introduced, including the principle of pressure relief, the method and parameters of roof cutting, and the support method in the roadway after roof cutting and its engineering application, etc. The work has expounded the new research achievements on gob-side entry retaining in China recently, e.g., the roof-cutting resistance and support resistance of the filling body, the interaction relationship between the filling body and surrounding rocks, stress deformation characteristics, roof-cutting pressure relief, and the surrounding rock activity of the roof-cutting pressure relief of gob-side entry retaining and its interaction with the supporting body. Technical and scientific problems of gob-side entry retaining were pointed out in roadside support and support in a roadway in China. Suggestions for the future development of China's technology along the empty alley were proposed from support design, surrounding rock control, research methods, and technical equipment.
gob-side entry retaining; roadside support; support in the roadway; roofcutting pressure releasing; coal pillar-free mining
0 引言
1 近20年来我国沿空留巷支护技术的发展
1.1 巷旁充填沿空留巷支护技术
1.1.1 巷旁支护技术
1.1.2 巷内支护技术
1.2 无巷旁充填切顶卸压沿空留巷技术
2 沿空留巷理论研究
2.1 有巷旁充填沿空留巷理论研究
2.1.1 巷旁充填体研究
2.1.2 上覆岩层活动规律研究
2.1.3 底板活动规律研究
2.2 无巷旁充填切顶卸压沿空留巷理论研究
3 存在问题及改进建议
3.1 我国沿空留巷技术存在的问题
3.1.1 沿空留巷存在的技术问题
3.1.2 沿空留巷存在的科学问题
3.2 沿空留巷技术的改进建议
4 结语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会