• 全部
  • Title

    Dynamic evolution mechanism of water-bearing coal permeability and water film under stress

  • 作者


  • Author

    DUAN Shulei;LI Bobo;CHENG Qiaoyun;SONG Haosheng

  • 单位

    贵州大学 矿业学院贵州大学 喀斯特地区优势矿产资源高效利用国家地方联合工程实验室贵州省非金属矿产资源综合利用重点实验室

  • Organization
    College of Mining, Guizhou University
    National & Local Joint Laboratory of Engineering for Effective Utilization of Regional Mineral Resources from Karst Area, Guizhou University
    Guizhou Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Utilization of Non-metallic Mineral Resources
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    To explore coal permeability evolution mechanism under the comprehensive action of multiple factors including stress - adsorption - water and slippage effect, considering the coal deformation induced by stress - adsorption, the expression of water film thickness was corrected to quantitatively characterize the effective pore size, and based on this, the intensity of gas slippage effect of water-bearing coal was further quantified and the permeability model was established under the comprehensive action of multiple factors. Combined with experimental research to verify the reliability of permeability model, and then the evolution mechanism of coal permeability, water film and slippage factors under the comprehensive action of multiple factors was further revealed. The results show that under different water saturation conditions, the permeability decreases sharply first and then tends to flat with the increase of effective stress; under the same effective stress condition, the permeability decreases with the increase of water saturation. The water film thickness changes dynamically under the action of stress - adsorption – water, the water film thickness has a negative correlation with stress and adsorption, but a positive correlation with water saturation; the slippage factor increases gradually with the increase of water saturation, but the increase trend is gentle under low stress condition, and more sharply under high stress condition. In addition, based on the disjoining pressure of gas-liquid-solid surface, the expressions of dynamic water film in square and equilateral triangle under the effect of stress-adsorption were deduced, and the evolution mechanisms of gas permeability, water film and slip coefficient of pores with different geometric shapes are compared and analyzed. Due to the presence of corner holes, the order of water film thickness in pores of different geometric forms is circle > square > equilateral triangle from large to small, the order of permeability is opposite; the slippage factor in circular is larger than that in angular pore, while the slippage factor in square and equilateral triangle pore has little difference.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal;dynamic water film;permeability model;slippage effect;pore geometry

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    段淑蕾,李波波,成巧耘,等. 应力作用下含水煤岩渗透率及水膜动态演化机制[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(6):91−100
  • Citation
    DUAN Shulei,LI Bobo,CHENG Qiaoyun,et al. Dynamic evolution mechanism of water-bearing coal permeability and water film under stress[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(6):91−100
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  • 图表
    • 圆形孔隙有效孔径变化示意(根据文献[11]修改)

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