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  • Title

    Comparative experiments on the catalytic pyrolysis of herb residue by K2CO3 and K2FeO4

  • 作者


  • Author

    WU Jiang-su;LI Yan-bing;YU Zhi-hao;LANG Lin;LIU Hua-cai;YIN Xiu-li;WU Chuang-zhi

  • 单位

    中国科学技术大学 工程科学学院中国科学院广州能源研究所 中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Engineering Science, University of Science and Technology of China
    CAS Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of New and Renewable Energy Research and Development, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 摘要
    以中药渣为原料,通过浸渍法分别负载高铁酸钾(PF)和碳酸钾(PC)催化剂,利用热重分析仪、在线质谱和固定床反应器研究了PC和PF对中药渣催化热解过程的影响机制。结果表明,PC和PF均降低了中药渣的热解反应温度,强化了水蒸气重整反应,显著提升了热解气产率和H2含量。PC将药渣热解活化能由206.9 kJ/mol降至149.3 kJ/mol,PF的自身热分解反应,则小幅增加热解活化能至218.7 kJ/mol。300 ℃时,PC和PF有效促进了中药渣的低温热解反应,气体收率分别增加了83.3%和69.3%;500 ℃时,催化剂促进了H2的生成,将热解气的H2/CO比由0分别提升至1.29和1.92;700 ℃时,PC、PF能大幅降低液相收率,提高气体产物的H2/CO,PF效果更为明显,液相收率降低了30.9%,H2/CO提高了38.5%。但PF在热解过程中会分解释放氧气,使得NO排放量增加。
  • Abstract
    The effects of K2CO3 (PC) and K2FeO4 (PF) on the catalytic pyrolysis of herb residue were investigated by using a thermogravimetric analyser, online mass spectrometry and a fixed-bed reactor, using herb residue as the raw material and loaded with PF and PC catalysts respectively by impregnation. The results showed that both PC and PF lowered the pyrolysis reaction temperature of the herb, enhanced the water vapour reforming reaction and significantly increased the pyrolysis gas yield and H2 content. At 500 ℃, the catalyst promoted the production of H2 and increased the H2/CO ratio of the pyrolysis gas from 0 to 1.29 and 1.92, respectively; at 700 ℃, PC and PF can significantly reduce the liquid-phase yield and increase the H2/CO of the gas product, with PF being more effective, reducing the liquid-phase yield by 30.9% and increasing the H2/CO increased by 38.5%. However, PF will decompose and release oxygen during the pyrolysis process, which makes NO emissions increase.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    herb residue;catalytic pyrolysis;potassium carbonate;potassium pertechnetate;biochar-gas cogeneration

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家重点研发计划(2019YFB1503901),广东省自然科学基金(2020A1515011568)和广东省科技计划(2021A0505030054) 资助
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    吴江苏, 李焱冰, 于志浩, 郎林, 刘华财, 阴秀丽, 吴创之. 碳酸钾和高铁酸钾催化热解中药渣固废的对比实验[J]. 燃料化学学报(中英文), 2023, 51(8): 1114-1125.
  • Citation
    WU Jiang-su, LI Yan-bing, YU Zhi-hao, LANG Lin, LIU Hua-cai, YIN Xiu-li, WU Chuang-zhi. Comparative experiments on the catalytic pyrolysis of herb residue by K2CO3 and K2FeO4[J]. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2023, 51(8): 1114-1125.
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