The Comparative Investigation into Undergraduate GraduationRequirements of Engineering Program for International Accreditation
Du Xiangrong;Lin Xiaoyan;Zhou Qin;Li Jizu
The undergraduate graduation requirements of various undergraduate engineering programs play the key role of connectingtraining purpose and curricula in the accreditation of such programs. Formulated in 2015, the accreditation criteria of the ChinaEngineering Education Accreditation Association (CEEAA) , are mainly based on the 2013 version of the Washington Accord(WA),which was significantly revised in 2021. The Undergraduate Program Outcomes developed by the European Engineering EducationAccreditation Network (ENAEE) are also advantageous. The revision of undergraduate graduation requirements for the CEEAA areproposed from four perspectives of specific types of problem solution, risk response, knowledge application, and capability, through arespective comparison between the new and old edition of the undergraduate program outcomes of ENAEE, the undergraduateattributes of WA, and the undergraduate graduation requirements of CEEAA, and through a comparison between the new edition ofundergraduate program outcomes of ENAEE and the new edition of undergraduate attributes of WA.
graduation requirement; engineering program; international accreditation; WA; ENAEE
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会