Situation and prospects of treatment technologies for mine watercontaining ammonia nitrogen
LI Fuqin;;WANG Cong;ZHENG Jiongzhou;CHEN Yuhang;ZHOU Rulu
College of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering
Hebei Technology Innovation Center of Water Pollution Control and Water Ecological Remediation
Hebei Engineering Research Center of Sewage Treatment and Resource Utilization
CCTEG Hangzhou Research Institute Co., Ltd.
随着矿井水处理排放标准不断提高,对去除矿井水中的氨氮的要求越来越高。 虽然有多种方法可以去除废水中的氨氮,但是关于处理含氨氮矿井水的文献相对较少,缺乏有效的解决方案。 针对这一问题,分析了矿井水中氨氮的来源和特点,综述了低浓度氨氮废水处理的主要技术,介绍了离子交换法、吸附法、氧化法、膜分离法和生物法等技术的特点及存在问题,旨在为我国处理含氨氮矿井水提供技术支撑。 结果显示,矿井水中的氨氮主要来自三个方面,地下水中氨氮含量较高的本底,煤炭井下生产过程中使用的乳化液、抑降尘剂、注浆和凝胶材料等,及含氨氮污染地表水侧向补给。 含氨氮矿井水具有氨氮含量相对较低(一般<5 mg / L)、pH 呈中性或略偏碱、COD 一般不高的特点。 煤矿生产过程中,应尽量减少使用含氮基团的原料,收集处理生产废液和排泄物,从源头上控制氨氮的产生。 对于低浓度(<2 mg / L)的氨氮矿井水处理,采用氧化法是较为合理的选择,而对于氨氮含量较高的矿井水,生物处理是一种经济有效的方法。 针对含不同氨氮浓度的矿井水水质特征,研究和开发相应的化学氧化和生物处理技术是未来的发展趋势。
As the discharge standards for mine water treatment become more stringent, therequirements for effective removal of ammonia nitrogen from mine water are strongly needed. Whilethere are several methods available for treating ammonia nitrogen in wastewater, there is relativescarcity of literature addressing the treatment of mine water specifically containing ammonia nitrogen. Toaddress this issue, this paper conducted a comprehensive analysis of the sources and characteristics ofammonia nitrogen in mine water. It also reviewed various primary technologies used for treating low con⁃centrations of ammonia nitrogen in wastewater, including ion exchange, adsorption, oxidation, mem⁃brane separation, and biological methods. The paper aimed to provide technical support for the treat⁃ment of ammonia nitrogen-containing mine water in China. The findings of the study reveal that ammo⁃nia nitrogen in mine water primarily originates from three sources: Naturally high ammonia nitrogencontent in groundwater, the usage of emulsion, dust suppressants, grouting, and gelling materials inthe underground coal production process, and the lateral recharge from polluted surface watercontaining ammonia nitrogen. Ammonia nitrogen-containing mine water is characterized by relativelylow ammonia nitrogen content (generally <5 mg / L), neutral or slightly alkaline pH, and generally lowchemical oxygen demand (COD) levels. In order to control the generation of ammonia nitrogen at itssource, it is recommended to minimize the use of raw materials containing nitrogen in coal mining pro⁃duction processes. Additionally, it is advised to collect, treat and manage production waste liquids andexcreta. For mine water with low concentrations of ammonia nitrogen (<2 mg / L), oxidation is consid⁃ered a more reasonable treatment choice. On the other hand, for mine water with higher ammonia nitro⁃gen content, biological treatment is a cost-effective approach. Considering the varying water qualitycharacteristics of mine water with different concentrations of ammonia nitrogen, future developmenttrends should focus on the research and development of corresponding chemical oxidation and biologicaltreatment technologies.
Mine water containing ammonia nitrogen; Adsorption method; Biological treatmentmethod; Ozone oxidation
李福勤, 王丛, 郑煚州, 等. 含氨氮矿井水处理技术现状及展望[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(6): 55-63.
LI Fuqin, WANG Cong, ZHENG Jiongzhou, et al. Situation and prospects of treatment technologies for minewater containing ammonia nitrogen[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(6): 55-63.