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  • Title

    Research progress and application prospect of high-value utilizationof coal gasification slag

  • 作者


  • Author

    FENG Xianggang;WANG Haiyan;GE Fenfei;ZHANG Yinmin;ZHANG Yongfeng

  • 单位

    内蒙古工业大学 化工学院内蒙古自治区煤基固废高效循环利用重点实验室内蒙古自治区固体废物与土壤生态环境技术中心

  • Organization
    Chemical Engineering College,Inner Mongolia University of Techmology
    Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory ofEfficient Recycle Utilization For Coal Based Waste
    China Inner MongoliaAutonomous Region Solid Waste and Soil Ecological Environment Technology Center
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    China′s energy resource endowment and the development of coal gasification industry have made the emission of coal gasificationslag up to 60 million t/ a. A large amount of coal gasification slag is not in line with the concept of clean, low-carbon and efficient use ofenergy. In the process of coal gasification slag absorption treatment, due to the high water content and carbon content, the way of largescale utilization is limited, so it is a trend to change the traditional idea and develop the performance in the direction of high value. Research progress of high-value gasification slag was focused on, the sources and physical and chemical properties of coal gasification slagand the research status at home and abroad in the high-value gasification of catalyst framework was summarized, polymer reinforcement,porous materials, agricultural compost and other aspects. The limitations of high-value utilization was put forward, and the future development direction was looked forward. High-value utilization of coal gasification slag is the main form of solid waste performance development, which can reduce production costs and environmental pollution. Moreover, the characteristics of coal gasification slag showthat coal gasification slag is a misplaced resource, and moderate development of its application in high-value utilization can realize thetransformation of waste into treasure.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal gasification slag;high-value utilization;entrained flow bed;performance development

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    FENG Xianggang,WANG Haiyan,GE Fenfei,et al.Research progress and application prospect of high-value utilizationof coal gasification slag[J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(11):122-132.
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