• 全部
  • Title

    Distribution of coal resources and coal quality characteristicsevaluation in the Cenozoic era of China

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Wenmin;FU Cong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
    National Energy Technology & Equipment Laboratory of CoalUtilization and Emission Control
    Beijing Key Laboratory of Coal Based Carbon Materials
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The comprehensive summary of the distribution and coal quality evaluation of China’s Cenozoic coal re⁃sources is helpful for the efficient and clean utilization of coal resources. The overall distribution of China’s Cenozoiccoal resources in the Southwest, Northeast, Central South, East China and North China regions were elaborated inthis paper. The resource distribution of Cenozoic coal of Yunnan Province and Sichuan Province, and the resourcedistribution of Cenozoic coal of Liaoning Province, Jilin Province and Heilongjiang Province were focused, the coalquality characteristics and utilization pathways of the main Cenozoic coal measures in China were analyzed too. Theresearch shows that: China’s Cenozoic coal is uneven in different regions, the proven geological reserves of coal indifferent periods of the Cenozoic era are approximately 28 billion tons, the proven geological reserves of Cenozoic coalin the Southwest region are 16. 3 billion tons, the Southwest region accounts for maximum proportion of the proven ge⁃ological reserves of Cenozoic coal in China, other major regions such as Northeast China and East China have varyingdegrees of distribution. Large scale lignite mining areas which was buried shallowly and has extremely thick coalseam, represented by Xiaolongtan and Zhaotong, have formed during the Neogene period, they are more suitable foropen⁃pit mining. The coal fields such as Fushun, Shenyang, Meihe, and Longkou in Shandong, which had alreadybeen formed in Paleogene period, produce more No. 41 long flame coal, as well as some lignite and a small amountof gas coal. Neogene and Paleogene lignite account for approximately 2 / 3 and 1 / 3 of China’ s Cenozoic coal. Themain coal quality characteristics of China’s Paleogene and Neogene coal is generally high total moisture content, sig⁃nificant changes occurred in ash and sulfur content. From terrestrial sedimentary ultra⁃low sulfur coal of lacustrine fa⁃cies to middle and high sulfur coal of marine land interaction facies and shallow marine facies, the coal all exists.The Qnet,ar is generally low. The instability of coal quality in the Cenozoic coal measures in China is related to the dif⁃ferent geological conditions of coal formation in different regions and eras, there are also significant differences in theindicators of coal macerals, humic acid yield, PM and coal ash melting temperature between Paleogene and Neogenecoal. The average vitrinite content of Paleogene coal is higher than that of Neogene coal. The Al2O3 content in the ashof Paleogene coal is higher than that of Neogene coal, the ash melting temperature of Neogene coal is significantlylower than that of Paleogene coal, which means that Neogene coal is more prone to slagging. When studying thechanges in coal quality of the Cenozoic coal series, it is found that the volatile matter (Vdaf) of coal seams in the samecoalfield decreases with increasing burial depth, which indicates a deeper degree of coalification. No. 41 long flamecoal, mainly from the Cenozoic Paleogene, is mostly found in terrestrial sedimentary coalfields, it basically belongsto low sulfur coal, however, many of the Neogene lignite in Yunnan and other provinces are marine terrestrial orshallow marine deposits, they have high sulfur content. The Cenozoic high sulfur coal in China is mainly concentratedin the Neogene lignite of Yunnan Province, high sulfur coal accounts for over 20% of coal production, its high mois⁃ture content and low calorific value make it difficult to be dehydrated, desulfurized and ash reduced, it is not suit⁃able for standalone combustion, it is suggested the measures such as sulfur reduction and ash removal should be usedto enhance its utilization value.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Cenozoic era; coal resources; coal quality characteristics; Paleogene; Neogene; the proven geolog⁃ical reserves of coal; long flame coal; lignite; gas coal

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陈文敏, 傅丛. 中国新生代煤炭资源分布与煤质特征评价 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38 (6): 1-12.
  • Citation
    CHEN Wenmin, FU Cong. Distribution of coal resources and coal quality characteristics evaluation in the Cenozoicera of China [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (6): 1-12.
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