Using LiDAR to reveal the canopy structure differentiation of artificially restored plant communities in coal mining subsidence area
GUO Yangnan;TANG Jiajia;YANG Yongjun;LI Zhiwei;LEI Shaogang
Taking the coal mining subsidence area in the National Soil and Water Conservation Science and Technologyhierarchical structure of the arbor community is better,while the horizontal structure of the shrub community is better. The research shows that the LiDAR remote sensing method based on drone can effectively reveal the heterogeneity of canopy structure of ecological restoration plant communities in coal mining subsidence area,and provide basic data and scientific basis for the monitoring and evaluation of mine ecology.
ecological restoration;remote sensing;canopy structure;drone;mining subsidence
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会