• 全部
  • Title

    Research on system breakthroughs and operating mechanisms to improve newquality productive forces of electric power under the new energy system

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHAO Erdong;TAN Qingbo;ZHANG Amin;TAN Zhongfu;ZONG Haijing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Beijing Institute of Technology, Department of Management
    North China Electric PowerUniversity, Department of Business and Management
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Under the new energy system, the number of entities with various types of roles, that is, source, grids, load and storage, willincrease significantly, and the entities need to operate collaboratively to achieve power balance and balance. Power balance is the totalpower generation within a period of time equal to the sum of total power consumption and power loss, regardless of changes in load overtime. Electricitybalance means that the power generation output is equal to the sum of the power load and the line loss load, and is closelyrelated to the change of load over time. That is, when the load changes, the power generation output can achieve a new balance state in atimely manner. The controllability of new energy power generation is low, and it is almost impossible to keep up with load changes in time.After large-scale and high-proportion new energy penetration, it is difficult to achieve power balance and power balance, which needs tobe solved through " source-grid-load-storage complementation" . " source-grid-load-storage complementation " requires breakthroughsof separate systems, regardless of supplyside systems including photovoltaic power generation, small wind power, CCHP, electric heating,electric gas production, and biomass heating boilers , power source heat pump, air source heat pump, waste heat and pressure recovery,etc., or consumption side systems includingelectricity, gas, cold and heat storage, electricity and gas storage, cold and heat (heating,steam, hot water, etc.), electric vehicle charging, etc. It is necessary to break through the original institutional barriers of each energysource, break the original independent planning, operation anddispatchingmethods,andcoordinateplanningandunifiedoperation. Promote horizontal multi - source complementarity andvertical " source-grid-load-storage" coordination to form a multi-energy complementary system that integrates centralized energy supply and distributed energy supply. Targeting cities, towns, industrialparks, airports, train stations, commercial complexes, etc., by multiple drives of policies, systems, mechanisms, and technologies, thenew business formats and new consumption models in the power industry will be spawned, new momentum will be released, and new qualityproductive forces will be enhanced.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    new quality productive forces of electric power;operation mechanism;new energy system;source-grid-load-storagecoordination;multi-energy complementation;cell balance

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
    赵洱岽, 谭青博, 张阿敏, 谭忠富, 宗海静. 新型能源体系下提升电力新质生产力的体制突破与运营机制研究. 煤炭经济研究. 2024, 44(7): 45-53
  • Citation
    ZHAO Erdong, TAN Qingbo, ZHANG Amin, TAN Zhongfu, ZONG Haijing. Research on system breakthroughs and operating mechanisms to improve new quality productive forces of electric power under the new energy system. Coal Economic Research. 2024, 44(7): 45-53

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