• 论文
  • Title

    Large-scale CCS potential of coal-fired power plants in Huaneng Group

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Shengnan;WEI Ning;JING Tieya;ZHOU Juan;ZHAO Wentao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory for Geo-Mechanics and Geo-Technical Engineering,Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Huaneng Clean Energy Research Institute
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    CO2 capture and storage (CCS) technology is one of the actively exploring ways to reduce carbon emissions and achievecarbon neutrality goals fossil energy enterprises. Based on the actual unit data of the coal-fired power plants of Huaneng Group, thetechnical economy and development potential of CCS of coal-fired power plants were quantitatively evaluated using an enterprise-scaleCCS source-sink matching system evaluation model optimized based on the characteristics of Huaneng Group. The model integrates themethods of enterprise emission source screening,CO2 geological utilization and storage site assessment,full-chains CCUS technical andeconomic assessment,source-sink matching,etc. The technical and cost parameters of the full-chains CCS,the characteristics of coal-firedpower units,the performance of CO2 storage sites,and pipe networks planning were considered,which can answer the problems of coal-fired power units with CCS retrofitting that are of special concern to enterprise managers, decision-makers and investors. With theexisting technology level,only CO2- enhanced water recovery technology (CO2−EWR),250 km matching distance,and 85% capture ratescenarios were considered. The CCS technology of the enterprise is feasible and contributes significantly to emission reduction. About 82%of the installed capacity of the enterprise is suitable for CCS,cumulative CO2 emission reduction is more than 264 Mt/a,and CO2 emissionintensity is 135 g/(kW·h). The cost of full-chains CCS in the enterprise is controllable. The levelized net emission reduction cost of coal-fired power is 384 yuan/t,and the average levelized additional cost of electricity is 332 yuan/(MW·h). The low-cost CCS projects of Huaneng coal-fired power plants are mainly distributed in Ordos,Bohai Bay,Erlian,Songliao,and Subei Basin. Detailed technical andeconomic evaluations have been carried out for the CCS retrofitting of typical coal-fired power plants in these areas,which can provide areference for early demonstration projects. Considering technological advances and CCS-hub, EWR costs for coal-fired power can bedrastically reduced. Coal-based enterprises can prioritize deploying low-cost CO2-EWR demonstration projects,achieving breakthroughsin key technologies and then set up demonstrations and forming full-chains integrated systems and CCS-hub in the future. Researchfindings provide a basis for coal-based enterprises to reduce large-scale emissions and develop low-carbon transformation through CCStechnology.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal-fired power plant;CO2 capture and geological storage;technical and economic analysis;sink-source matching;emission reduction potential

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    LIU Shengnan, WEI Ning, JING Tieya, et al. Large-scale CCS potential of coal-fired power plants in Huaneng Group[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(10):100−110.
  • 相关专题

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