• 全部
  • Title

    Engineering mechanics behavior and surrounding rock control of mine loose coal and rock roadway with high pressure gas

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yu Weijian Zhang Jian Yuan Zhigang Wang Ping

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Hunan Provincial Key Lab of Coal Mine Safety and Mining Technology.Hunan University of Sicence and TechnologySchool of Energy and Safety Engineering,Hunan University of Science and Technology hunan Provincial Key Lab of Rock and Soil Engineering Stable Control and Health Monitoring,Hunan University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    in order to solv the high deformation and control problens of the surounding rocks along the mine high pressure gas,loose and unstable coal and rockroadway under the condition of the complicated geology.a study was conducted with the site investigaton,theoretical anal ysis numercal alcu ation and engineering practices. Based on the acual deformation condition ,t sthowed tat the surounding rock deformation features of the mine roadwvay were obvious the deformation was harcto be controlld and the fll c.oss sectional onvergence was serious. The rock mechanics and other mechanics pricile were appied to the thecretcal analys. The paper held that the crack expansion ofthe coal and ock masses could inrease the permeatiliy of th coal and rock masses and thus the surounding ock strength wotld be continuously weakened.The numerical simulation means were applied to the analysi on the stress unloading and deformation features of the surounding ock aong the mine roadway with the gas pressure orwith no gas prssure. The higher gas pressure the higher deformation of the mine roadway would be. Fmally a design and optimized calculation were conducted on the orthogonal numercal an of the anchorage suppor. A人dep analysis was conducted on the clculatonresuitsBased othe relevance support principles,based on the pre- stress russ and anchor in the sidevall as the key support techmnodogythe tite aplitcaion resuts shover tha the fehnology would have an important role to improve the stabilty of the mine roadway surrounding rock.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    surounding rock deformation mechanism; gas-solid coupling; surrounding rock weakening; optimization of support parameters;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 相关专题

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