• 全部
  • Title

    Inclination measuring and deviation correction technology of pressure released gas drainage borehole in external dislocated high level gateway

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wang Hongsheng Du Zhengxian Fan Qiwen Shuang Haiqing Xie Junxiang You Lindong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    MOE Key Lab of Mining and Disaster Prevention and Control in West China Mine, School of Energy,Xi'an University of
    Science and Technology Liyazhuang Mine,Huozhou Coal and Electricity Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    为解决李雅庄煤矿2—603工作面卸压瓦斯抽采钻孔钻进轨迹偏离钻孔原设计轨迹的难题,基于原设计钻孔的测斜结果,提出了角度补偿纠偏方法及钻孔纠偏效果评价指标。原设计151、152号钻孔的测斜结果表明:终孔位置偏斜距离分别为4.203、4.481 m,采用角度补偿纠偏方法后钻孔终孔位置偏斜距离为1.363 m。纠偏后钻孔瓦斯体积分数的最大值和平均值较纠偏前分别提高了15.3%、11.6%,且持续抽采时间增加了1~6 d。纠偏效果表明:该方法基本解决了钻孔偏斜问题,提高了卸压瓦斯抽采效果。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the drilling trace of pressure released gas drainage borehole offsetting the original design trace of the borehole,based on the inclination m easured results of the original designed borehole,an angle compensation and correction method and the evaluation index of borehole correction effect were provided.The i nclination measured results of the original designed No. 151 and 152 boreholes showed that the deviation distance of the borehole final location was 4.203 m and 4.481 m i ndividually and after the angle compensation and correction method conducted,the deviation distance of the borehole final location was 1.363 m. After the deviation correct ion conducted,the max value and average value of the borehole gas density was increased by 15.3% and 11. 6% individually higher than before the deviation correction con ducted,and the continued drainage time was increased by 1 ~ 6 days.The deviation correction effect showed that the method could solve the borehole deviation problem ba sically and could improve the pressure released gas drainage effect.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    external dislocated high level gateway; pressure released gas; borehole inclination; borehole deviation correction; angle compensation;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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