• 全部
  • Title

    Gas and Fire Dual Disaster Control Technology in Sealed Goaf with Spontaneous Combustion Seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    SUN Xi-kui LIU Jin-ju

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shandong Energy Zibo Mining Group Corporation Limited Shandong Provincial Research Center of Backfill Mining
    Engineering and Technology
  • 摘要
    为解决已封闭采空区煤层自然发火和瓦斯超限的问题,以葛亭煤矿2311工作面封闭采空区为研究对象,通过对采空区气体成分、地面大气压力变化、漏风通道等监测分析得出,采空区气体波动的主控因素是地面大气压力变化,以103.2 kPa为分界点,地面大气压力的高或低均引起采空区发生"喘息"现象。基于此,采取氮气置换法治理采空区瓦斯,并实施了密闭墙集成堵漏风技术、注入氮气置换抽采瓦斯技术。结果表明:通过实施该措施,既实现了采空区有害气体抽采,消除了采空区有害气体对安全生产的威胁,又保持了采空区的惰化状态,防止煤层发生自然发火。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve seam spontaneous combustion and gas over limit problems of a gas abnormal region of a spontaneous combustion seam in sealed goa f, based on the sealed goaf of No. 2311 coal mining face in Geting Mine as a study object, the monitoring and measuring analysis on the gas composition in the goaf, s urface atmospheric pressure variation, air leakage channel and others showed that the major factor of the gas fluctuation in the goaf would be the surface atmospheric pressure variation. Taking 103. 2 kPa as a boundary point, a high or low surface atmospheric pressure both would cause breathing phenomenon in the goaf. Based on t he circumstances, nitrogen gas replacement method was provided to control the gas in the goaf. A sealed wall integrated air leakage sealing technology. Meanuhile, the injected nitrogen gas replaced gas drainage technology were conducted. The results showed that with the measures implemented, the harmful gas drainage from the go af could be realized, thus the harmful gas in the goaf threatened to the mine safety production was solved. Meanwhile, the inerting conduction of the goaf could be kept, and no spontaneous combustion of the seam occurred.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    goaf; spontaneous combustion of seam; gas control; replaced drainage; composite type air-sealed wall;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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