Quantitative method for identifying the hydraulic connection closeness of goaf water between abandoned mine and active mine
SI Liangcheng;LI Fang;GAO Wubin;YUE Junchao;ZHANG Bo;WANG Xinyi
河南平煤神马夏店煤业股份有限公司河南理工大学 资源环境学院煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心平顶山天安煤业股份有限公司
为了精确识别老空水与生产矿井出水点之间的水力联系,遴选采空区未压实比、导水裂隙带内岩层渗透系数、断层发育程度、老空水直线流速、碘离子的质量浓度主次峰频度为指标因子,采用熵权-TOPSIS模型定量判别平顶山煤田香安矿与九矿、十一矿井下出水点的老空水水力联系密切程度。研究表明:香安矿副井与十一矿22091风巷出水点、十一矿16150机巷外口出水点、九矿42机巷出水点、十一矿-593 m泄水巷各出水点之间老空水的水力联系程度量化值分别为0.81、0.56、0.35、0.01,即水力联系程度自强至弱依次为十一矿22091风巷、十一矿16150机巷外口、九矿42机巷、十一矿-593 m泄水巷。判识结果与香安矿停排水后4个井下出水点涌水量变化相一致,说明了指标因子遴选的合理性,验证了熵权-TOPSIS模型法的可靠性。研究成果可为类似矿井亟待解决的水力联系密切程度精准识别提供参考。
In order to accurately identify the hydraulic connection between goaf water and the water outlet point of active mine, the selected index factors include uncompacted ratio of the goaf, permeability coefficient of the rock formation in the water-conducting fracture zone, fault development degree, linear velocity of the goaf water, and the frequency of primary and secondary peaks of the iodide ion mass concentration. The entropy-weighted technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS) model was used to quantitatively identify the hydraulic connection closeness between the Xiang'an Mine and the No.9 and No.11 mine in the Pingdingshan Coalfield. The results show that the quantized values of the hydraulic connection closeness of the goaf water between the auxiliary shaft of Xiang'an Mine and the water outlet point of 22091 airflow roadway, the water outlet point of the external opening of the 16150 conveyor roadway, the water outlet point of the 42 conveyor roadway, and the water outlet point of the -593 m drainage roadway were 0.81, 0.56, 0.35 and 0.01, respectively. Thus, the hydraulic connection closeness between these four places and auxiliary shaft of Xiang'an Mine is from strong to weak. The identification results are consistent with the change of water inflow at the four underground water outlet points after drainage of the Xiang'an Mine stopped, and the rationality of the index factors and the reliability of the model are verified. The research results can provide reference for the accurate identification of hydraulic connection closeness in similar mines.
goaf water;hydraulic connection;goaf compaction;tracer test;entropy weighted-TOPSIS model
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会