Dynamic Benefit Distribution Mechanism of DeepIntegration of Industry-University ResearchUnder the Perspective of Innovation Process
To construct a dynamic benefit distribution mechanism for the deep integration of Industry- - University Research ( IUR) , the idea of process stages was introduced into the benefit distribution based on exploring the evolution of the innovation process and changes in the factors influencing the benefit distribution. Firstly, the Stackelberg game model of two-stage benefit distribution was construc- ted under the condition of complete information, and the optimal inputs and outputs as well as the opti- mal benefit distribution ratio of the two stages beforehand were determined based on comparing the IUR cooperation, collaborative innovation, and the IUR deep integration. Then the fuzzy hierarchical analysis method, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and TOPSIS method were used to construct a risk-sha- ring and actual performance-based benefit adjustment model to further adjust the revenue allocation ra- tio and determine the final revenue allocation ratio of each innovation subject. Finally, it is proved through examples that the benefit distribution mechanism has fully considered the characteristics of the deep integration, risk sharing, and the actual performance of the innovation subject, which has a- IUR voided the problem of averaging the traditional benefit distribution, and significantly improved the effec- tiveness of the input and output of the innovation subject as well as the risk-bearing ability. The result shows that the allocation coefficient changes with the evolution of the innovation process to meet the in- terests of the innovation subjects at each stage of integration, which can provide a reference for con- structing the benefit allocation mechanism for the IUR deep integration.
technological innovation;deep integration of Industry-University Research( IUR);stackel--berg game model;benefit-sharing mechanisms;risk-sharing
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会