• 全部
  • Title

    Fragmentation characteristics of Xianfeng lignite during thermal upgrading

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Songze;QIN Xizhuang;HAO Meilu;LIANG Peng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Chemical and Biological Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    China’s lignite resources are abundant,it is difficult to utilize for the high oxygen content and water content.Thermal upgrading is one of the effective means to achieve clean and efficient utilization of lignite. However,the lignitein the process of thermal upgrading faces the problem of easy fragmentation and pulverization, resulting in highdust content in tar,difficulty in dust removal,and pipeline blockage,which has become a bottleneck hindering the de⁃velopment of lignite upgrading technology. This article takes Xianfeng lignite ( XF) as the raw coal, the particlesize change,cumulative distribution curve,overall particle size distribution,relative fragmentation rate and fractal di⁃mension of XF at different temperatures were investigated on the rotary furnace thermal upgrading experimentaldevice,and the distribution of XF thermal fragmentation product at different temperatures was studied,and the differ⁃ences inashcontentandmineralcompositionofthermalupgradingproductswereanalyzedbyX⁃rayfluorescence (XRF) and X⁃ray diffraction (XRD). The results show that XF undergoes significant fragmentation dur⁃ing the thermal upgrading process,with a particle size of 1-6 mm being the main generation range of fragmented parti⁃cles. The pulverization particle size increases with increasing temperature,with the largest increase observed at 0 -0.1 mm. At 450-500 ℃,the relative fragmentation rate of XF increase the most,and the increase of temperature pro⁃motes the fragmentation,leading to an increase in fractal dimension and a more complex degree of coal particle frag⁃mentation. The variation of ash content with fragmentation particle size is not significant,and minerals in coal are morelikely to exist in the pulverization particle size. The ash content gradually increases with the decrease of particle sizeof thermal fragmentation products. The ash content of the thermal fragmentation product at 550 ℃ is higher than that at450 ℃ and 350 ℃,the Ca element content decreases with decreasing particle size,the Si and Fe element content in⁃creases with decreasing particle size,and the change of Al element content is not obvious. The XRD results show thatquartz and calcite belong to passive distribution, while pyrite is more easily distributed to pulverization particlesize due to thermal decomposition,which belongs to active distribution,and pyrite thermal decomposition leads to theformation of cracks and cavities inside the coal particles,which is one of the causes of lignite fragmentation.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Lignite;thermal upgrading;fragmentation;mineral distribution

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    LI Songze,QIN Xizhuang,HAO Meilu,et al.Fragmentation characteristics of Xianfeng lignite during thermal up⁃grading[J].Journal of Green Mine,2024,2(3):323-331.

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