• 论文
  • Title

    Evolutionary characteristics of microcracks in rocks under weak dynamic disturbance and disaster prevention and control

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIANG Mingwei;LIANG Yuntao;FENG Wenbin;LI Haitao;ZHOU Rui;GUO Baolong;LIU Yang;MA Ju

  • 单位

    煤炭科学研究总院中煤科工集团沈阳研究院有限公司煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 深部开采与冲击地压防治研究院山东科技大学 安全与环境工程学院山东黄金集团深井开采实验室有限公司中南大学 资源与安全工程学院

  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute
    CCTEG Shenyang Research Institute
    Deep Mining and Rock Burst Research Branch, Chinese Institute of Coal Science
    College of Safety and Environmental Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology
    Deep Mining Laboratory of Shandong Gold Group Co., Ltd.
    School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University
  • 摘要



    基于真三轴卸载动力扰动试验,分析了不同扰动幅值(5、10 MPa)、频率(4、10 Hz)、三向应力卸载(0、12 MPa)下深部围岩失稳破坏规律,并结合SEM扫描分析了岩石微裂隙特征。通过锚杆拉拔试验,优化了锚杆肋间距和肋高,提高了其吸能支护作用,提出了“吸能锚杆−低阻抗混凝土注浆−喷浆−挂网”组合支护技术。利用传感器对巷道进行长期监测,得到治理前后压力与振动数据。


    研究表明:(1)随着扰动幅值和频率的增加,裂纹增加显著且不规则,岩石断口的方向分形维数降低。当扰动为10 MPa、10 Hz时,分形维数降至最低值0.62,孔隙方向角80°~120°孔隙定向频率达到最大值的52%,约为原始岩石的1.68倍。说明岩石受扰动后颗粒的应力不均匀,导致应力集中,断裂方向明显。(2)随着扰动幅值和频率的增加,SEM图像的微孔隙面积先快速增加,后缓慢增加且增加趋势越来越小。扰动频率每增加2 Hz,岩石微裂隙面积增加约24.13%。(3)现场测试表明随着锚杆肋间距和肋高增加,拉拔曲线形态由“弹塑性阶段−破坏失效阶段−残余阶段”逐渐过渡为“弹塑性阶段−微量屈服阶段−大量强化阶段−破坏失效阶段−残余阶段”,肋间距48 mm、肋高2 mm的螺纹钢锚杆吸能效果最好。经现场监测可将巷道压力稳定在36 N左右,峰值加速度控制在8 000 mm/s2以内。研究揭示了卸载动力扰动作用下围岩破坏及能量释放规律,提出的“吸能锚杆−低阻抗混凝土注浆−喷浆−挂网”支护技术,可为类似深部工程提供理论指导。

  • Abstract

    High stress with superimposed weak dynamic disturbance serves as a critical factor including rock bursts. However, the microcrack propagation characteristics and energy dissipation pattern of rocks under different disturbance amplitude, frequencies, and unloading ranges remain unclear, leading to a lack of technical support for rock burst prevention and control.


    Based on the true triaxial unloading dynamic disturbance tests, this study analyzed the instability failure patterns of deep surrounding rocks under different disturbance amplitude (5, 10 MPa), frequencies (4, 10 Hz), and triaxial stress unloading (0, 12 MPa). Moreover, this study examined the characteristics of microcracks in rocks using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Through bolt pull-out tests, this study enhanced the energy-absorbing support effects of bolts by optimizing the rib spacing and height of bolts. Accordingly, it proposed a combined support technique integrating energy-absorbing bolts, low-impedance concrete grouting, guniting, and screening. Additionally, the pressure and vibration data of roadways before and after treatment were obtained through long-term monitoring using sensors.

    Results and Conclusions

    Key findings are as follows: (1) With an increase in disturbance amplitude and frequency, cracks increased significantly and irregularly, and the fractal dimension of rock fracture direction decreased. In the case of disturbance of 10 MPa and 10 Hz, the fractal dimension decreased to the lowest value of 0.62, with the orientation frequency of pores at angles ranging from 80° to 120° reaching the maximum value of 52%, which was about 1.68 times that of the original rocks. This finding suggests that the uneven stress distribution of rock particles after disturbance led to stress concentration and pronounced fracture direction. (2) With an increase in disturbance amplitude and frequency, the micropore areas revealed by SEM images shifted from a rapid growth to a slow growth, with the increasing amplitude decreasing gradually. Every increase of 2 Hz in disturbance frequency corresponded to an approximately 24.13% increase in the area of microcracks in rocks. (3) Field tests indicate that as the rib spacing and height of bolts increased, the pull-out curve pattern transitioned gradually from the elastoplastic, failure, and residual stages sequentially to elastoplastic, microyield, extensive yield reinforcement, failure, and residual stages successively. Threaded steel bolts with a rib spacing of 48 mm and a rib height of 2 mm exhibited the optimal energy-absorbing effect. Field monitoring indicates that the roadway pressure can be stabilized at about 36 N and the peak ground acceleration can be controlled at less than 8000 mm/s2. This study reveals the surrounding rock failure and energy release patterns under unloading dynamic disturbance and proposes the combined support technique integrating energy-absorbing bolts, low-impedance concrete grouting, guniting, and screening, serving as a theoretical guide for similar deep engineering.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    true triaxial test;rock burst;scanning electron microscopy (SEM);microcrack;energy-absorbing bolt;weak dynamic disturbance

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    姜明伟,梁运涛,冯文彬,等. 弱动力扰动作用下岩石微裂隙演化特征及灾害防控[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2024,52(10):166−176. DOI: 10.12363/issn.1001-1986.24.04.0277
  • Citation
    JIANG Mingwei,LIANG Yuntao,FENG Wenbin,et al. Evolutionary characteristics of microcracks in rocks under weak dynamic disturbance and disaster prevention and control[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2024,52(10):166−176. DOI: 10.12363/issn.1001-1986.24.04.0277
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