Isolated island attribute of working face based on coal column size effect analysis
LI Yanzeng;XUE Weichao;XU Xingfu;LU Chuang
中煤科工集团沈阳研究院有限公司煤矿安全技术国家重点实验室中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院吉林省龙家堡矿业有限责任公司
孤岛工作面判定是煤矿安全监察中的一项重要抓手。为了准确判定工作面的孤岛属性,基于煤柱尺寸效应分析,提出了非典型情形下工作面孤岛属性的判定方法;结合某矿工程条件,采用理论分析、工程类比的方法分析了305工作面西翼和北翼煤柱的尺寸效应。结果表明:305工作面西翼、北翼煤柱没有煤岩体大范围严重破坏现象,没有区域应力集中;305工作面的超前支承压力范围显著小于120 m,更显著小于北翼煤柱宽度;305工作面侧向支承压力的极限平衡区宽度为52.3 m,305工作面西翼煤体宽度大于2个极限平衡区宽度之和;305工作面西翼和北翼不为采空区,305工作面不是孤岛工作面。
The isolated island face determination is an important basis for coal mine safety supervision. In order to accurately determine the island attribute of the working face, a method for determining the island attribute of working face under a typical conditions is proposed based on the coal column size effect analysis. Combined with a mine engineering conditions, the size effect of the coal column in the west and north wing of the 305 working face was analyzed by theoretical analysis and engineering analogy. The results showed that: the coal column bodies of the west wing and north wing of the 305 working face did not cause large-scale serious damage of the coal rock mass due to excessive stress concentration. The leading support pressure range of the 305 working face was less than 120 m, which was significantly smaller than the width of the coal column in the north wing. The width of the extreme balance zone of the lateral support pressure of the 305 working face is 52.3 m. The coal column body in the west wing of the 305 working face is wider than the sum of the two extreme balance zones. The west and north wings of the 305 working face are not gob areas. The 305 working face is not an island working face.
mining engineering;size effect isolated;island attribute;micro-seismic;supporting pressure;extreme balance zone
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会