Mechanical Response Characteristics of Drilling HoleCircumference under Lateral Pressure Coefficient Effect
WANG Li;LIU Haisheng;QI Xiaohua;MA Yun;GOU Kai
In order to ensure the effectiveness of drilling, it is necessary to study the mechanical responsecharacteristics of coal and rock around the drilling hole. A numerical model of drilling holes was constructed, thestress distribution differences caused by complex stress conditions through lateral pressure coefficients werecharacterized, and the mechanical response characteristics around drilling holes were explored under differentlateral pressure coefficients. The research results indicated that at the beginning of drilling, the stress level was lowand the force chain distribution was uniform. After adjusting the stress field of the coal body around the borehole,the force chain distribution of the borehole is uneven, resulting in stress concentration. The displacement fieldaround the borehole shows a disc-shaped distribution. As the lateral pressure coefficient increases, the stress levelsin the vertical and horizontal directions of the coal rock around the borehole gradually increase, and the vertical andhorizontal displacements also gradually increase. When the lateral pressure coefficient is less than 1. 0, cracksmainly propagate horizontally, while when the lateral pressure coefficient is greater than 1. 0, cracks mainlyconcentrate in the vertical direction. A theoretical reference for the stability of drilling was provided.
drilling hole;lateral pressure coefficient;numerical simulation;mechanical response
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会