Practice of Intelligent Comprehensive Mining Technology forLarge Dip Coal Seams
LI Liang;LIU Zhongyuan;WANG Wei;ZHANG Tao;CHEN Fei
In order to achieve intelligent mining of large angle coal seam fully mechanized mining faces and solvethe prominent problems of outdated mining equipment automation technology and difficult equipment matching inmines in southwestern China, the current application status of intelligent mining technology in fully mechanizedmining faces at home and abroad was analyzed, and the difficulties in intelligent mining conditions of large anglecoal seams were pointed out. The development of intelligent mining of large angle coal seams will inevitably beachieved in stages and gradually. Key technologies such as the layout of complete sets of equipment for intelligentworking faces in high angle coal seams, automatic attitude control technology for center distance management ofhydraulic supports, automatic roof connection technology for hydraulic supports, automatic control technology foranti overturning and anti-slip of hydraulic supports and scraper conveyors, and intelligent all-round coal gangue andpersonnel protection technology were emphasized. The feasibility of key technologies for intelligent mining in highangle coal seams was verified through industrial practice, providing technical support for intelligent mining in highangle coal seams.
large inclination angle;intelligent comprehensive mining;support posture control;automatic ceilingconnection;anti-tilt and anti-slip automatic control
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会