Optimal design and application of gas sensor based on fault current monitoring
This research addresses the issues of low measurement accuracy, high loss, and lack of essential safety characteristics in existing gas sensors by presenting a gas sensor design based on fault current monitoring. The design process involves defining the relationship between the thermal conductivity of gas and air using basic heat transfer theory, and analyzing the measurement principle of the gas sensor. The hardware and software components of the gas sensor are meticulously designed. An intrinsic safety protection circuit is incorporated, featuring a fault current change rate detection circuit, self - recovery and drive circuit, and soft start circuit. The practical application of the gas sensor is demonstrated through its use in a project to verify its collection and intrinsic safety performance. The test results show that the gas sensor can achieve high precision measurement under different gas concentrations, with an error rate controlled below ±0. 3%, meeting the working requirements of the working face roadway. The gas sensor exhibits robust intrinsic safety performance, enabling rapid protection after failure. The energy output generated by the fault is μJ, meeting the requirements of the intrinsic safety circuit in the well.
gas sensor;gas concentration;optimal design;fault current
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会