Study on Overburden Rock Layer Separation Grouting and Filling Material Performance of Coal Gangue Powder-Coal Slime
Han Lei;Xu Qi;Zhang Yiqun
In order to ensure the injection production ratio and guarantee the surface subsidence re-duction effect, Huoerxinhe Coal Industry plans to use a mixed slurry liquid of coal gangue pow-der-coal slime for oveburden rock layer separation grouting and filling mining. Through orthogonal experiments, the working performance such as the slurry liquid density, fluidity, viscosity, free water separation rate, compacted water separation rate and others of the coal gangue powder-coal slime overburden rock layer separation grouting and filling material are obtained. The influence of the coal gangue powder-coal slime mass ratio and water cement ratio on the working performance of its slurry liquid is studied, and its slurry liquid optimal ratio is determined. The results show that when the water cement ratio is constant, as the coal gangue powder-coal slime mass ratio increases, the density and viscosity of the slurry liquid increase, the fluidity shrinks, and the free water separation rate and compacted water separation rate decrease; When the coal gangue powder-coal slime mass ratio is constant, as the water cement ratio increases, the density and viscosity of the slurry liquid decrease, the fluidity extends, and the free water separation rate and compacted water separation rate increase; Coal gangue powder-coal slime slurry liquid with a mass ratio of 70:12, a water cement ratio of 0.8, and a mass ratio of 65:12, a water cement ratio of 0.7 are suitable for overbur-den rock layer separation grouting and filling.
layer separation grouting material;coal based solid waste;slurry liquid performance;filling governance;applicable ratio
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会