• 全部
  • Title

    On the academic ideology of “Digging is Modelling”

  • 作者


  • Author

    MA Hongwei;SUN Siya;WANG Chuanwei;MAO Qinghua;XUE Xusheng;LIU Peng;TIAN Haibo;WANG Peng;ZHANG Ye;NIE Zhen;MA Kexiang;GUO Yifeng;ZHANG Heng;WANG Saisai;LI Lang;SU Hao;CUI Wenda;CHENG Jiashuai;YU Zukun

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 机械工程学院陕西省矿山机电装备智能检测与控制重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Mine Electromechanical Equipment Intelligent Detection and Control
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    To realize safe, efficient, and intelligent excavation of coal mine roadways, the academic concept of "excavation is excavating model" is proposed,which defines thecontent and architectural framework of the concept, as well as extracts the key technical issues related to it. Specifically, these include multiplexmining model construction technology integrating multi-source information, the intelligent cutting technology based on mining model, the intelligent temporary support technology based on mining model, the intelligent permanent support technology based on mining model, the intelligent navigation technology based on mining model, and the mechanical equipments intelligence parallel cooperative control technology based on mining model. The problem of mining model construction is addressed by proposing a method that integrates multi-source data such as geological exploration, mine design, and advance detection. This method provides a unified basis for the model construction of various subsystem of the excavating system. Furthermore, to address the issue of intelligent cutting based on mining model, a coupling submodel of mining model and cutting subsystem model is established. Intelligent cutting trajectory planning and cutting parameter optimization methods are proposed, an intelligent cutting strategy for mining is formulated, and adaptive planning of the cutting subsystem is realized. In order to address the issue of intelligent temporary support based on mining model, a sub-model for temporary support is established and coupled with the cuttingmining model and temporary support subsystem. Additionally, an adaptive adjustment method for temporary support posture and support force is proposed to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the temporary support subsystem, improve the stability of the surrounding rock, and lay a spatio-temporal foundation for parallel and cooperative digging and anchoring operations. To address the issue of permanent support based on mining model, we have established a permanent support subsystem coupled with temporary support mining model. Additionally, we propose a collaborative control method for each drilling and anchoring equipment in the permanent support subsystem under limited time and space. This approach aims to achieve efficient collaborative control of the permanent support subsystem. Aiming to address the challenge of intelligent navigation based on mining models, a sub-model integrating mining model and navigation subsystem is established. Furthermore, an accurate navigation method for intelligent excavating system, combining inertial navigation with total station technology, is proposed to enhance the precision of roadway driving and formation quality. In order to address the issue of intelligent parallel cooperative control in a cluster based on the tunnel model, we have established a parallel cooperative control sub-model that is integrated with the tunnel model and the cluster cooperative control subsystem. Additionally, we have developed a multi-machine parallel cooperative control strategy and proposed a cooperative control method for multi-task and multi-system intelligent excavating systems to achieve safe and efficient driving. The shield mine excavation robot system developed by team based on the academic concept of "excavation is excavating model". This system has been successfully utilized by Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group Shaanxi Xiao Bao Dang Mining Co., LTD., effectively addressing challenges in mine roadway excavation under complex geological conditions such as thick dirt, high hardness, and serious sheet wall. As a result, it has significantly enhanced the safety, efficiency, and intelligence level of tunnel excavation.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    intelligent coal mine tunneling;excavation as the excavation model;intelligent drilling robot;intelligent navigation system;intelligent support technology;multi-task collaborative control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    马宏伟,孙思雅,王川伟,等. 论“掘进就是掘模型”的学术思想[J]. 煤炭学报,2025,50(1):661−675.
  • Citation
    MA Hongwei,SUN Siya,WANG Chuanwei,et al. On the academic ideology of “Digging is Modelling”[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2025,50(1):661−675.

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