• 全部
  • Title

    Study on adsorbing phenol in wastewater by modified concentrate carbon from coal gasification fine slag

  • 作者


  • Author

    LEI Yunyu;LIU Zheyu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Food and Biochemical Engineering, Yantai Vocational College
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Coal gasification fine slag is a significant type of solidwaste with large output and high carbon content. The purpose of treating wastewater with solidwaste can be achieved by adsorbing phenol in wastewater with porous adsorbent prepared from residual carbon in coal gasi- fication fine slag. The concentrate carbon is modified by ammonia and microwave irradiation in order to boost its adsorption capacity of phenol in this paper. Box-Behnken response surface methodology is used to design the modification experiment, with impregnation time, ammonia mass fraction and dosage, concentrate carbon dosage, microwave irradiation time and power as design variables, and phenol removal ratio as the response value. The reliability of the model and the interaction between the variables are studied through variance analysis and response surface analysis. After response surface modeling prediction and verification, the optimal process condi- tions for ammonia impregnation and microwave irradiation modification are obtained, namely am- monia mass fraction of 25%, impregnation time of min, ammonia dosage of mL, micro- wave irradiation time of min, microwave power of W, and concentrate carbon dosage of 2.9 g. In these conditions, the phenol removal ratio of the modified concentrate carbon reaches 92.31%, and the experimental value is basically consistent with the predicted value. Analysis and adsorption evaluation of modified concentrate carbon show that the content of acidic function- al groups (carboxyl, lactone, hydroxyl), and average pore size of the modified concentrate car- bon decrease by 84% and 47%, respectively, but the alkaline functional groups, total pore vol- ume and specific surface area increase by 86%, 43%, and 108%, respectively.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gasification fine slag;concentrate carbon;ammonia;phenol;modification

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    雷云裕,刘哲语.改性煤 气 化 细 渣 精 选 炭 吸 附 废 水 中 苯 酚 性 能 研 究 [J].煤 炭 转 化,2024,47(6):67-76
  • Citation
    LEI Yunyu,LIU Zheyu.Study on adsorbing phenol in wastewater by modified concentrate carbon from coal gasification fine slag[J].Coal Conversion,2024,47(6):67-76

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