Research on the process efficiency and model building of low temperatureplasma oxidation of pulverized coal
SHAN Yi;DING Hua;BAI Xiangfei
Low temperature oxygen plasma oxidation is an important pretreatment technology for studying the occur⁃rence of coal minerals. However, it has problems such as slow ashing reaction rate and low process efficiency. Opti⁃mization research is needed for the operating parameters of the equipment, especially focusing on the reaction processmode and reaction rate control factors between plasma and coal powder to improve ashing efficiency. Using plasmaequipment to ashing typical gas⁃fat coal, with single ashing time and equipment electrical parameters as operating var⁃iables, the relationship between reaction rate, ashing time, and organic matter content was investigated. The plasmaequivalent reaction depth, velocity control equation, and oxidation process efficiency optimization were analyzed,and a coal powder plasma oxidation process model was established. Within the equivalent reaction depth, when theorganic matter content is less than 0. 3 g / g, it enters the reduced rate ashing stage. Therefore, it is necessary to opti⁃mize the operation process to ensure that the overall ashing speed remains constant, thereby improving the ashing effi⁃ciency. A comprehensive ashing rate control plan for gas fertilizer coal was developed, single ashing times would be setat 8、 4、 2 and 1 hour when organic matter content is >0. 69、 0. 69~ >0. 57、 0. 57~0. 46 and <0. 46 respectively.
low⁃temperature plasma;efficiency of oxidation process;model construction;ashing time;organicmatter content;minerals in coal;depth of reaction;speed control equation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会