Green methanol industry status and development outlook
FU Churui;LI Jingle
China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
National Energy Technology &Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
Beijing Key Laboratory ofCoal Based Carbon Materials
CCTEG Low⁃carbon Technology Institute
Methanol, a fundamental chemical commodity, finds extensive applications both as a raw material and a fu⁃el, and traditional methanol production processes are associated with significant carbon dioxide emissions, prompting ashift towards the development of green methanol as a key trend within the industry. This paper outlines the current stateof the methanol industry and analyzes pertinent policies both domestically and internationally. It examines the character⁃istics of various methanol production methods and compares coal⁃based methanol, natural gas⁃derived methanol, cokeoven gas methanol, coal bed methane methanol, and green methanol. The study focuses on an in⁃depth analysis of 170global renewable methanol projects under production or planning, discussing the number of projects, their scales, anddistribution characteristics across different countries. Based on this analysis of domestic and international industrial poli⁃cies, a scenario analysis is conducted regarding the carbon emissions, economic viability, and future trends under acarbon trading framework for different methanol production pathways. Considering the existing challenges in the indus⁃try, recommendations are provided to foster the healthy development of China’ s green methanol sector. These includeincreasing R & D investment in green methanol production technologies, particularly those utilizing green electricity andbiomass, to enhance process efficiency and reduce costs. Internationally, the European Union has pioneered the re⁃lease of the world’ s first green methanol certification standard, while countries worldwide are setting near⁃zero emis⁃sion targets that include the promotion of alternative fuels such as green methanol. Domestically, the green methanolsector is guided by a suite of environmental policies and clean energy development measures, providing both policy sup⁃port and market opportunities for the green methanol fuel industry. Coal⁃derived methanol results in carbon emissions of2. 6 to 3. 8 tons of CO per ton of methanol, whereas natural gas⁃derived methanol emits approximately 0. 5 tons of COper ton of methanol. Green methanol, derived from either biomass or green hydrogen, utilizes the most straightforwardand mature method of producing hydrogen via electrolysis powered by renewable electricity, followed by a one⁃step cata⁃lytic process combining CO and green hydrogen to produce green methanol. It also emphasizes strengthening interna⁃tional cooperation to share cutting⁃edge research findings and technological experiences related to green methanol. Pilotprojects should be initiated to evaluate the feasibility and economic benefits of diverse technological routes, laying thegroundwork for scaled⁃up production. Policies and relevant product standards that facilitate the growth of green methanolshould be formulated. Efforts should also be made to promote close collaboration along the entire industrial supplychain, encouraging the integration of green methanol with other sectors. The application of green methanol as a cleanfuel and chemical feedstock across multiple domains, including transportation, chemical manufacturing, and energy,should be encouraged through policy guidance to expand its market potential. A comprehensive green methanol industri⁃al chain should be established to promote sustainable development. Lastly, a robust certification standard system forgreen methanol should be developed, aligning with guidelines and norms set by the European Union and the Interna⁃tional Maritime Organization (IMO). Additionally, a well⁃functioning carbon trading market, carbon quota manage⁃ment system, and voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction methodologies should be established to incentivize com⁃panies to reduce their carbon footprints through green methanol production and other means.
green methanol industry;biomass;CO2 hydrogenation;hydrogen from electrolysis;carbon tradingmarket;carbon quota management system
FU Churui, LI Jingle. Green methanol industry status and development outlook [ J]. Coal Quality Technology,2024, 39 (5): 27-36.