Research on the determination of coal ash by energy dispersive X-rayfluorescence spectrometry method
CHEN Baohua
The determination of coal ash composition using energy - dispersive X - ray fluorescence spectrometry(EDXRF) is compared with the chemical analysis method, which requires relatively simple equipment and can obtainresults quickly, with simpler operation and greater economic efficiency. This paper introduces the method of determi⁃ning multiple ash components in Guoneng Shenyou coal ash using EDXRF. The experimental conditions such as thepreparation process of the ash sample, matrix effect, and energy spectrum mode are discussed. The method is veri⁃fied by multiple coal ash standard samples. It is pointed out that the preparation process of the ash sample should becarried out by grinding through a 0. 1mm standard sieve and calcining at (815±10)℃ for 1 hour. The matrix effectis removed by multiple linear regression to eliminate the interference between silicon and aluminum, phosphorus andcalcium, potassium and calcium, and iron, titanium, and calcium in the ash components. The energy spectrummode of 80 kcps-480 s can be detected through multiple coal ash standard samples, and the results are within therange of uncertainty requirements compared to the recognized values. The data is accurate and can meet the currentlaboratory’ s requirements for rapid determination of coal ash components.
energy dispersive;X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry;coal ash;matrix effect;spectral mode;multi⁃variate linear regression
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会