• 全部
  • Title

    Progress in the study of chlorine occurrence and release characteristics in coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Xu;PENG Wanwang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute
    China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
    National Energy Technology & Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
    Beijing Key Laboratory of Coal Based Carbon Materials
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Chlorine is one of the harmful trace elements in coal. With the development and utilization of high⁃chlo⁃rine coal in Xinjiang, many problems such as fouling and slagging corrosion of heating surface, environmental pollu⁃tion and harm to human health caused by chlorine in coal have attracted much attention. Therefore, understandingthe occurrence state and release characteristics of chlorine in coal is the premise of realizing efficient and clean utiliza⁃tion of high⁃chlorine coal. The source, distribution and occurrence state of chlorine in coal are summarized, and theinfluence of external factors such as atmosphere, temperature and coal quality characteristics on chlorine release char⁃acteristics in coal thermal process was analyzed. The suggestions for future research on the occurrence and releasecharacteristics of chlorine were provided. The results indicate that the source of chlorine in coal is closely related togroundwater, and the vast majority of coal mines in China belongs to low chlorine coal or ultra⁃low chlorine coal;Chlorine in coal exists in two existing states: inorganic chlorine and organic chlorine, the inorganic chlorine mainlyincludes inorganic chlorine ions, water and ions, chloride⁃containing halide minerals and other chloride⁃containingimpurity minerals. The organic chlorine mainly includes ion exchange state, covalent bond state, other organic chlo⁃rides and organic ion complexes. The chlorine release characteristics of coal are affected by atmosphere, tempera⁃ture, coal quality characteristics, heating rate, pressure and other factors. Different atmospheres have different pro⁃motion and inhibition effects on chlorine release from coal. Organic chlorine and some inorganic chlorine are mainlyreleased in the middle and low temperature range, inorganic chlorine salts are mainly released in the high temperaturerange, chlorine release forms in coal mainly include HCl, Cl, NaCl, etc., and chlorine in different forms can betransformed into each other. It is suggested that new characterization methods for chlorine in coal should be studied inthe future, the influence of other components and external factors on chlorine release characteristics should be fullyconsidered, and the internal mechanism of chlorine release in coal should be studied in depth.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    chlorine in coal;occurrence state;release characteristics;inorganic chlorine;organic chlorine;ex⁃ternal factors;coal quality characteristics;heating rate

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    LI Xu, PENG Wanwang. Progress in the study of chlorine occurrence and release characteristics in coal [J]. CoalQuality Technology, 2024, 39 (6): 34-43.

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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