Analysis of the distribution and resource utilization needs ofmain crop straw resources in Henan province
Wu Ruijuan;Dou Yeqing
Henan province is a major agricultural province with abundant crop straw resources. Inorder to improve the comprehensive utilization rate of regional straw resources and promote theindustrial layout and development of straw resource utilization, this article estimated the amount ofstraw resources and the nutrient content of straw of major crops in Henan province, clarified thedistribution characteristics of straw resources in Henan province. At the same time, combined withthe calculation of the demand for straw resource utilization in Henan province, analyzed theutilization potential of straw resources in the whole province. The results showed that thetheoretical and collectable amount of the main crop straw resources in Henan province inwere million tons and million tons respectively. The straw resources mainlydistributed in Zhumadian, Nanyang, Zhoukou and Shangqiu. There is a large difference inregional straw resources. The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents in collectable straws inHenan province in were million tons, million tons and million tonsrespectively. Theoretically, the amount of collectable straw could replace% of the nitrogenfertilizer demand and% of the phosphate fertilizer demand in the province in that year, andcould completely replace the potassium fertilizer demand in that year. The demand for livestockfeed straw is million tons, accounted for% of the total collectable straw resources ofthe province. The demand for straw resources for substrate is million tons, accounted for% of the total straw resources of the province. If the collectable straw resources in Henanprovince was fully energy utilization, it would have potential to replace million tons ofstandard coal.
crop straw;resource distribution;energy utilization;resource utilization
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会