Simulation of heat extraction and injection optimization froma vertical-well closed-loop geothermal system
Ma Yongfa;Zhou Xuejun;Yuan Lijuan;Liu Ling;Dong Junling;Wang Xu;Zhan Tao;He Lan;Liu Xin;Liu Yan;Li Chang;Lei Hongwu
To evaluate the heat extraction performance and optimize the injection parameters of asingle-well Closed-Loop Geothermal System (CLGS), this paper analyzes the short-term (thermalresponse testing) and long-term (one heating season) heating performance of CLGS and optimizesoperation parameters including injection temperature and rate, based on wellbore -reservoircoupling simulation and site operation monitoring data for a typical site in Northeast China. Theresults indicate that the mean heat extraction rate is kW and the average temperaturedifference between the output and inlet isan injection flow rate of m/h for a vertical well of m. At the end of a heating season, themaximum range for temperature reduction in the formation is approximately m with the maximumtemperature decrease up toWithout considering operating costs and sustainable development, the low injection temperatureand large injection rate result in high heat extraction rate. Setting the injection temperature toand flow rate to m/h can minimize operating costs while meeting heating needs, reducing costsby% compared to the existing solution. The optimization design that considers operating costsand sustainable development has practical significance for a single well closed-loop geothermalsystem.
geothermal heating;vertical-well closed-loop geothermal system;performanceevaluation;optimization of injection;numerical simulation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会