• 全部
  • Title

    Mine pressure behavior law of large mining heightfully mechanized working faces

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Jialei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shanxi Zezhou Tiantai Energy Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    seam mining, it is urgent to study the behavior law of mine pressure and various characteristics of thick coal seam workingfaces. Taking a typical large height working face of a coal mine in Shanxi as the engineering background, the load of eachrock layer on the roof of the working face is theoretically calculated, and then the periodic collapse and initial collapse stepdistance of the roof are calculated. The calculated values can be used as a reference for practical practice. FLAC numericalsimulation was used to analyze the behavior of mine pressure on the working face, and the conclusion is as follows: with themining of coal seams, the roof rock layer gradually deforms and subsidence under the action of geo-stress, and the middlepart of the roof has the largest amount of subsidence. The basic roof’ s initial pressure step distance is at about 60 m. Beforethe initial pressure, the stress peak value in front of the working face increases with the mining distance, and the affected ar-ea also gradually increases. When the advancing distance is 50 m, the influential range is about 35 m. As the mining dis-tance increases, when advancing to 60 m, the stress peak suddenly decreases, and the stress peak position gradually shiftsdeeper in front of the coal wall. At this time, the peak abutment pressure is about 15. 1 MPa.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine pressure behavior;large mining height;numerical simulation

  • DOI

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