• 全部
  • Title

    Application of Searchable Encryption Technologyinto Financial Transaction Behaviors

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Yuchen;ZHANG Liuxue

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Economics and Management, Changsha University of Science and Technology
    Changsha Niwa Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Addressing the security issues in the information management of financial transaction behaviors, thispaper investigates the Separating Codec, Path Hash Message Digest, and Semantic Tree Indexing Algorithmsbased on the principles of Homomorphic Encryption Algorithms. Building upon this research, the SeparatingCodec Algorithm is employed as the encryption and decryption method for homomorphic encryption, integratedwith the Path Hash Message Digest algorithm and Semantic Tree Indexing algorithm, to construct a secure storagemethod and ciphertext search system for financial transaction behavior information. Results indicate that byutilizing a Separating Codec Block Coding Algorithm to convert information into a transformation sequence and abit sequence, it is feasible to establish a full-text search capability by using ciphertexts. Furthermore,anirreversible message digest generation method is proposed through information grouping,path hashingcomputation, result sequence modulation and hashing, in conjunction with the setting of output strings. Based onthe sentence-level indexing algorithm, a ciphertext search system is constructed by adopting the consistencyprinciple between ciphertext search and original sentence search. The constructed full-text and ciphertext retrievalsystem can achieve fast and secure retrieval of ciphertexts, ensuring the security of user transaction data,privacy, computation, and analysis.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    financial transaction behavior;searchable encryption;separate encoding and decoding;ciphertextretrieval;semantic tree search

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    LIU Y C, ZHANG L X. Application Research of Searchable Encryption Technology into Financial Transaction Behaviors [ J] .Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology ( Natural Science Edition) , 2024, 39( 3) : 116-124.

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